July, 2017 Monthly Horoscope


Even though, dearest Aries, you might feel like a bit of a homebody this month, take care to thoroughly enjoy what you are doing. Work in the garden, paint the shed or develop a new recipe and cook it for your family and friends. Creativity is the key to your happiness this month. 
Key Words: Imagination, Inspiration, Inventiveness


What unique passions await you once you get quiet enough to hear them? Summer is typically a time of increased activity, but for you dearest Taurus, this month asks you to slow down just a bit and smell the roses. This allows you the opportunity to see the path ahead, clearly and distinctly. 
Key Words: Internal, At Ease, Balance


Although you are the royalty of multitasking, I’m going to ask you to do it with the deepest intentions this month, dearest Gemini. Think passionately about what you are trying to accomplish, and then go for it. Flailing about without knowing your purposeful path only wastes energy that could be focused and directed precisely to your intended target. Hit your bull’s eye!
Key Words: Aim, Spotlight, Unwind


Your past is coming to highlight the balance between home and family and career pursuits. What is so important to you, dearest Cancer, that you cannot stop thinking about it? And what people can help you realize this dream? It’s important to allow your confidants to support you when you need it and not try to do 100% of it yourself. 
Key Words: Initiative, Dynamic, Spunk


You might feel like you are going it alone, this month dearest Leo. But know that you have emotional support whenever you need it. It’s the month of endings followed by surprising beginnings. Don’t despair. You have a chance to create and expand on something that is bigger and brighter then you could even have imagined. Be okay not knowing what that is and just embrace where you are now. Stay thankful. 
Key Words: Oneness, Individuality, Expansive


Let the harvest begin. It’s time to realize, dearest Virgo, that what you are currently dealing with is the accumulation of the energy you have put into your past experiences and relationships. If everything feels easy and free, then replant those same seeds for a future harvest. If not, re-evaluate the direction to go, and you will reshape your life for the future.  Key Words: Unfolding, Gather, Destination


Wow, talk about expansive and motivating energy this month, dearest Libra. For someone who can be indecisive, this is not the month for that. You are shining brightly out in the public eye and you have a lot of brilliant ideas and opinions. Take this power and use it for your good and the good of others. Your vitality may feel like it’s at an all time high. Enjoy it for what it is. Key Words: Intensity, Ambition, Pizzazz


If possible, dearest Scorpio, try and find the time and resources to step outside your box. Discover other cultural experiences; be it the new Vietnamese restaurant down the street or travel to a different country. It’s important now to not get caught up in believing everything you think. Instead, stay open-minded to the possibility that you can still learn something surprising that you were not expecting to see or feel.
Key Words: Realize, Understand, Visualize


Sometimes, dearest Sagittarius, we are just now ready to see some issues that we have not had enough time to address or not been ready to look at. Now is that time for you. Although it is not always the easiest thing to do, it can be the greatest fulfilling experience as it frees you up for future beautiful times. Let yourself witness the healing within you that may occur this month, when you process a challenging issue. With your intention, replace it with a passionate purpose for your future. 
Key Words: Clean House, Fierceness, Strength


There is no way around the fact that this month you need advice and guidance from others. One of your archetypes, dearest Capricorn, is the hermit. You typically need the down time to recover and process in your life. But not this month. To flourish and evolve, this month it takes a village. It’s not weakness to ask for help, it’s actually strength. To know that you don’t have to go it alone will allow you to complete your daily missions. And we know you like to do that.  Key Words: Compromise, Consideration, Agree


Finding your “right” work is important now dearest Aquarius, whether you volunteer at a local shelter, have a high-powered job or mentor young people. As long as you feel that you are doing meaningful work, this is all that matters. It doesn’t have to be attached to your career but it can be. Just realize that if “right” work is something that you feel you are lacking, now is the perfect time to change it. 
Key Words: Relevant, Worthwhile, Useful


What feels right for you this month, dearest Pisces, is creating something from nothing. Maybe this looks like art, maybe it’s taking a new class, or maybe you’ve finally realized that your opinion matters and you are going to be who you are, without apologizing for it. Whatever direction this takes, just know that now is your time to embrace the life you came here to live.
Key Words: Humor, Ecstasy, Frolic