The Second Saturn Return

The Second Saturn Return

I mentioned the First Saturn Return in a previous blog post, but today I’m going to discuss the Second Saturn Return. I know this one very well as I just lived through mine. And surviving it is exactly how it felt.

Saturn is the planet of maturity and hard work and sometimes the hard knocks of life. It can feel like it’s forcing responsibilities on you and asking you to be true to them, whether you are kicking and screaming about it or not. If you’ve ever wanted to write a novel or learn to play the piano, Saturn is your friend. The energy of Saturn can give you focus, tenacity, clarity and stamina.

A Second Saturn Return happens with Saturn going 2 revolutions around the Sun, roughly 58.8 years into your life. You can start to feel it at approximately 56 years old through 61-62 years, depending on your chart.

As you start to reach your Second Saturn Return, the Universe is asking you, how do you envision the last part of your life? Whatever has been working for you, be it physical, emotional or spiritual, Saturn will give you the focus to utilize these traits for your future. Whatever has not been working for you will, most likely, fall by the wayside or challenge you in some way.

My natal Saturn falls in Scorpio, in the fourth house. Scorpio instigates deeper thinking, transformation, birth, death and possible power struggles. The fourth house is the home, family, your house and your deep psyche. 

My husband and I put our house up for sale while I was in the midst of an exact Second Saturn Return.  And even though selling our house was going to give us the freedom from house projects that we said we wanted, and the ability to travel around the world, it was still very painful. We had built that place, raised our daughter there, had to place our dog with a wonderful family and gave a lot of our possessions away. I found a home for our cat, only for him to run away 3 weeks later, living on his own for 7 months until winter arrived and he found himself another home. Yes, we travelled around the world for 8 months that year and have experiences of many lifetimes. That Second Saturn Return pressed me and asked me what I needed to feel whole. As it started to arrive several years ago, I become more and more restless with my home life, even though I lived somewhere very beautiful and still have many wonderful friends there.

To use your Second Saturn Return wisely, write a list of how you see yourself in old age. Where do you see yourself? And what do you see yourself doing in retirement?

Affirmation for your Second Saturn Return:
I will do something today that my future self will thank me for.

Tarot Card for your Second Saturn Return:
Imagine Unicorn Energy Card-
It symbolizes the question; what would you see, feel, think, and hear if your wish came true? When you imagine your dream coming true, you help make it happen. And have faith that they will come true in ways beyond your greatest imagination.

Flower Essence For your Second Saturn Return-
Wild Chamomile-
For calmness. Helpful for sleeplessness and encourages a deep, quiet peace. 
Promotes serenity. Is useful for feelings of emotional trauma or tension, or nervous system stress.