The Ascendant, also called the rising sign, is the astrological sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the time of birth. It changes signs every two hours and is why astrologers are sticklers for using the correct time of birth to calculate your natal chart.
The Rising Sign is the gateway to how other people see you. Most of us have a different ascendant than we do our Sun sign.
For example, I’m a Taurus Sun sign but I have Leo on the Ascendant. So the people that do not know me well, will assume that I am more social, creative, fun-loving and animated than I actually am. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good dinner party. But when the party is over, how I rejuvenate is by spending quality quiet and alone time as any good Taurus needs. Taurus is the sign of nature and animals and flowers. Taurus is tactile, preferring soft fabrics, essential oils and beautiful furnishings. Taurus loves a nurturing hot bath with candles.
If you want to know a secret to using your rising sign to the best of its ability, try this: Whenever you need help from others, show them your ascendant!
For example: If you have a flat tire and need help and your ascendant is in Leo? Ask for help with enthusiasm and humor. Ascendant in Virgo? Ask articulate questions and explain your problem thoroughly. Ascendant in Gemini? Ask with wit and speed, exuding energy, that everything will be ok.
Using your ascendant when you need help from others is a secret worth knowing!