Powerful Dynamic Aspects

Lightning bolt or enlightening bolt?

Lightning bolt or enlightening bolt?

Remember James Comey, the now former FBI director, who played a part in the 2016 presidential election when he announced there were potentially more damaging emails of Hillary Clinton's, several days before we voted?

Today our president #45 fired him. Why, we do not yet know. But his agency was probing into what part our government played in colluding with Russia to fix our election. That is a very long subject and one that I will not tackle at this time.

But here is what I find interesting. Tonight if you look up, you will see the grand dame, the Scorpio full moon. Scorpio is about birth, death and transformation. Any issues that are not brought out in the open and are secreted away can cause potential problems. Feelings are heightened now and things may be said that are very hard to take back. This is a time when secrets may come to the surface and we are left with the consequences of those secrets now being revealed.

Tonight Dan Rather said "Future generations may mark today as one of the truly dark days in American history, a history that may soon take an even more ominous turn."

This full moon was in the power-playing, psychological thriller that is Scorpio, but on top of this, today we also have the Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Aries.

Conjunctions are the most powerful aspects in astrology. They mean that the planets are sitting side by side at the dinner table. They are both in explosive, powerful Aries, the sign of stress, accidents, jumping to conclusions and building courage.

Mercury is the planet of communication (or mis-communication), thinking, listening and moving at the speed of sound. 

Uranus is the planet of sudden change in a dramatic way. Think earthquakes and lightening bolts. The energy that you never ever see coming, but come it does, fast and furious.

Does any of this sound familiar, James Comey? And this did not just happen to Mr. Comey. It happened to all of America while the world looked on.