June, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Wildflowers in the Methow Valley

Wildflowers in the Methow Valley

As featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

I don’t want to stop your forward progress, dearest Aries. I just want to remind you to slow down, just a little. It’s possible that your family will need you to help them in some capacity or perhaps slowing down is about evaluating what is working in your life and what is not. In any case, now is the time to slow down enough to regroup, if needed. 
Key Words: Sensitivity, Home, Hearth

Think about how you build courage and self-confidence now, dearest Taurus. What does it take to value your specific set of skills? It’s possible that you hold yourself at such a high standard, that it’s challenging to understand that you are doing a great job! Stay open-minded and curious and be sure to keep track of your money! 
Key Words: Stability, Communicative, Finances

After last month’s re-evaluation, dearest Gemini,  it’s time to shine a light on your desires and goals. What have you longed to do, only to have it live in the shadows? You have a right to take up some valuable space in order to make your wishes known. And it’s appropriate to do so now. Key Words: initiative, Fortitude, Light Your Way

This month may start off a little confusing or at the very least dreamy. But as the month picks up, dearest Cancer, you can start to hit your stride. It could come to pass that you will be able to see a way through some past trauma or grief. Look within, something you are usually quite good at. But do it with a forgiving soul. You do not have to be all things to all people. Just be a forgiving friend to yourself, that’s enough. 
Key Words: Reflect, Rise Up, Create

Your emotional fruit is ready for harvest. But how often have you fed and watered it? What is manifesting today dearest Leo, is the accumulation of the energy you have given it, be it positive or otherwise. If you want to see something amazing happen in your life, start a seed of thankfulness for all you have and will hope to achieve.
Key Words: Genius, Expertise, Contemplate

Typically, dearest Virgo, you prefer to fall back into the shadows of completing fulfilling work. But this month, it’s not your turn to be a wallflower. It’s your turn to be the brightest sunflower in the garden; growing toward the Sun and embracing your magnificence. It’s perfectly okay to speak up, speak out and be the light for yourself as well as others.  In fact it’s vital to do so.
Key Words: Reputation, Rebel, Speak Your Mind

All indications point to you being in a position of importance this month, dearest Libra. Your reputation is on the line and it’s time to ask yourself a few key questions. Namely, how do you want to come across to the general public in order to stay on the path of manifesting your desires? What is the benefit of following through without indecisiveness?  Please practice answering these questions in order to fulfill your dreams.
Key Words: Expertise, Mission in Life, Mindfulness

The first part of this month, dearest Scorpio, is a time to feel the intense wind blowing. Just because you can feel the truth deeply woven into the fabric of life, does not mean you have to speak out about it. Be discerning about whom you talk with and how ready they are for your consistent honesty.
Key Words: Powerful, Penetrating, Transforming

Curiosity is getting the better of you when in comes to your intimate relationships. You may devote a fair amount of time now trying to understand the behavior of others, dearest Sagittarius. It’s a noble idea to want to help or compromise your desires in favor of another. Just remember that it’s not the way to teach someone to love you. If you do it, do it without expectations. 
Key Words: Passion, Purpose, Intention

This month, you are getting permission from the gods, to put the pedal to the metal. The amount you can get accomplished by staying focused and organized might shock even you.  But don’t forget to allow enough hours in the day to devote to your family, pets, garden or your continued healing. 
Key Words: Structure, Commitment, Calmness

Whatever you find yourself doing this month, dearest Aquarius, just remember one thing. If you cannot feel the joy and peace that circles all around you, you are in the wrong field. Find the passion that burns within and determine to increase this in your life every single day.
Key Words: Create! Rejuvenate! Smile!

I don’t want to say that you have low energy, per se, but you may have shifted into becoming more of a homebody. Even when you putter around, it’s still a form of meditation or religious/spirituality. Calming your mind through becoming quiet is the theme for you this month, dearest Pisces. Or perhaps your theme is just devotion to your extended “family?” Either way, enjoy your peaceful commitment.
Key Words: Grounded, Centered, Relax!