Lost In Space- Neptune in Challenging Aspect to the Moon

Lost. Adrift. Disoriented. Vanished. Off course. Distracted. At sea. Disappeared. Unobservant... All words to signal that something or someone is gone.

A few days ago, I arrived in Alaska, to begin my two month summer job. The day I arrived, found our community here in a state of anxiety, followed by deep sadness.
During the third salmon opener, a veteran fisherman is believed to have fell out of his boat, during a particularly nasty storm. He drowned, and his boat was recovered and towed back to town. Pretty devastating for his family and his community of loved ones, to say the least.

On the same day, another fisherman lost his boat that capsized in an unforgiving wave but thankfully he was rescued and lived to tell his story.

Then yesterday while our friends were taking our older, beloved dog on a bike riding adventure, she became lost. After what amounted to an all hands on deck attitude to find her, she was found several hours later. Thank you friends! But not before all neighbors were called and lost dog posters were put up.

And earlier this month, our daughter discovered the hard way that Australia immigration is not fooling around when they ask for forms to be sent to them in the right order as they denied her visa application and kept the money that was invested in it. I guess starting over is her new friend now.

All of these experiences that I share above, have one astrological thing in common; they happened when the Moon was making a challenging aspect to the planet Neptune. What the Moon and Neptune share is their devotion to the unconscious. They are here to help us step outside our physical body to feel what it is like and to be okay with being a bit unrealistic. This is their job description and as a species, we definitely need a break from reality sometimes. To just be creative, imagine another path, and dream of a better future. Or simply to just breathe and nurture ourselves and loved ones. Or to zone out watching a favorite movie. This is the high octave of these two but there is also a shadow. 

The shadow is unfocused, being careless, daydreaming to the point of being too distracted or acting like a space cadet. My dog felt it, we felt it and perhaps those fishermen felt it too. 

The beauty of astrology is having the ability to see what potential energies are coming down the pike for you or your loved ones. It allows you to make a plan. To use your free will to the best of your intention with what you have to work with. When you have an understanding that this could potentially be a few weeks of spaciness, you can talk yourself into paying closer attention!

Once 25 years ago, we were told by our astrologer, Betty, that for the next 10 days we were to pay close attention, especially while driving. One night, we were driving home on a rural road on a black, black night, when I saw one little tiny flicker of light ahead. Just a quick flash, then it was gone again. I slowed our car down from 65 mph to 20, only to barely miss, by a millimeter, a 2000+ pound black bull in the middle of the road. As I passed it, I saw the white's of its eyes, we were that close. And I thanked our lucky stars, and Betty, for that timely advice.

How have you been feeling this month? Have you had any close calls or times when you could not focus well or felt disoriented?

I'm sending you energy this month of peace, balance and concentration as you move forward.