Drama and Trauma with a Capital DT

Although it might seem that I am talking about our current U.S. president DT, I'm actually not, for once.

Most of my friends know this story, but I thought I would write about it today, to show you what happened in my life when I had a powerful Pluto-Venus aspect in my astrology chart. Specifically an opposition and a tense square aspect.

A relationship was being tested in some deep way and it turned out to be with my only sibling.

On November 30, 2011, My brother Jack, who was going out for a sports fishing day on his favorite river, must have slipped on an icy rock and fell into the Skagit River, drowning. I was home alone that night when I received a message at 12:30 am, stating that he was missing. I instantly felt my body temperature plummet, and I literally ran down the hall to a hot shower as I felt myself going into shock.
I could not get in contact with my husband Dale, as he was in Canada skiing and back then we were without international cell service. Luckily our daughter Chani was on Skype in Australia and helped me get through the night.

Two days later, a helicopter search discovered him lying under 12 feet of water, sunglasses and croakies still attached, only missing one shoe.

That day, while I was forced to physically let go of him, I discovered his birth daughter on Facebook, who he had never personally met, and I had only heard of her through her first name, Marcie. I saw her writing to him and I just knew it was her so I friend requested her and the rest is history.

In a nanosecond, our lives were changed forever more, in a very supportive and meaningful way. As he was leaving this world, he left me a precious gift of family, like nothing I could have ever expected or imagined. Rebirth, death and transformation all rolled up into one.
A powerful Pluto message.

We can all complain about social media and specifically how much time is sucked out from Facebook and other sites but I will be forever grateful that I lived in a time where I could miraculously meet and discover a part of my blood family that I never expected to find, especially online. Sometimes the Universe is just un-frickin-believable.

On the day Jack drowned, my natal chart was being lit up by several challenging planetary aspects.

The most profound was my natal Venus in Cancer being exactly opposed by Pluto in Capricorn, which was squaring Uranus in Aries. I know this is a huge mouthful to digest and swallow, so let me try to put this in layman terms:

·      An opposition means challenging times and in a circle, it’s approximately 180 degrees apart. The 2 planets opposing each other are struggling to get along.

·      Venus in Cancer symbolizes relationships, friends, family and/or home life.

·      Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes death, rebirth and transformation. It’s intense, powerful, penetrating energy. Hold onto your hats kind of intensity. It’s that winter feeling. There are rewarding outcomes if you have the tenacity to follow through to the (probable) bitter end.

·      Any square brings tension, stress and energy to blow through the other side so you don’t have to feel this anymore.

·      Uranus in Aries signifies something suddenly happening that you never see coming. And that something may be accidents, stress, drama and trauma. Think earthquakes and lightening bolts. Kaboom!

And to a slightly lessor degree, you can also see above:

*The Sun in exact aspect to the North and South node of the Moon, indicating something is happening relating to past-life karma and attempting to heal it.
*Moon in Aquarius conjunct Mars. (Sudden family accidents, stress or trauma)
*Moon in Aquarius opposes Jupiter and a little bit of Pluto too. (Sudden family issues appear huge and significant and are transformational.)
*Neptune in Aquarius opposes Pluto. Sudden spiritual awakening is produced after a transformational experience.

After writing this, I realize these are anything but "slightly lessor degrees." haha

All the aspects were percolating to the surface of my life and asking me to answer some significant questions:
Namely, what have I been stuffing down and sweeping under the rug in order to try to ignore? What is just now coming to the surface to be processed, ready or not?
Would you prefer breakthroughs or breakdowns, you pick!
Where do I feel wounded and what am I planning to do about it?
What needs clearing that is no longer working for me?
Since everything is shifting underfoot, how can I feel secure and confident in spite of my perception of a shaky foundation?

What I decided to do was to sit quietly and ask myself what turned out to be 6 pages of questions. Such as:

*What has stopped me from moving forward in life to achieve my desires and goals?

*What has affected my self-confidence and what should I do to fix it?

*What wounds were in place with my sibling and how do I heal this now that he’s gone?

*What troubles persist in my family and home life?

*What do I need to do to heal any issues in my marriage?

*What attention does my career need, in order to flourish?

What I came up with were 4 different answers:

1.    Forgive myself, I’m only human.

2.    Forgive someone else, they are only human.

3.    Let it go, I should have done this a solid 10 years ago!

4.    Talk to the person, to be able to heal my karma and move forward.

Those were the gist of the answers.
I did some ceremonies for numbers 1-3. I wrote down who to forgive and why and what I should let go of. Then I burned it in my fireplace to release it.
To heal number 4, I went to a handful of people and talked to them about the issues I could not deal with through numbers 1-3.

I swear after I did this, I felt lighter, more sensitive and was now emotionally mending.
I felt blown wide open and it took me around 4 months to feel regenerated and free.

I was now open for business, meaning that the cells in my body were readying themselves to embrace energies I chose and people that were in my direct line of intention to meet and hang out with.

I was using the planetary energies to shift myself into a higher consciousness instead of living passively in my life purpose.

Although it’s still VERY sad to me that my brother died, without this serious drama and trauma, I would not be the same person that I am today.

So for this, I’m very grateful.

You just can’t make this stuff up.

Blessings of light,
