The Emotional Moon

In Astrology, we view the Moon as one of the 10 planets we work with, even though it's technically not a planet.

We all have some understanding of what the Moon symbolizes; the tides of change, the timing of the menstral cycles, heightened and charged emotions during the full Moon and planting seeds during a new Moon.

But what else does the Moon symbolize?

Your Moon sign is your heart and soul, it's what we have to get right in order to be happy. If you have a Sagittarius Moon, you better get traveling and experiencing all that life has to offer. If your Moon sign is in Libra, you feel inclined to connect with others as well as surround yourself with art, music and beauty.

The Moon is not even remotely rational, it's emotional and it's charged.
And I discovered this today.

This morning the Moon was in fiery Aries, highlighting assertive/aggressive thoughts and actions, stress, trauma and passionate energy. And being courageous.
It was in the 8th house of transformation, death and rebirth. And deep psychological intensity.
It was in a difficult aspect to Pluto, the planet of wounds, power struggles and what you are just now ready to see, that you may have been suppressing for years.

At this particular time I was having a conversation with someone that I do not know well but I had every intention of helping them to see another way, a positive way for their future.  As I write this, it kinda sounds like a Bob Marley song, doesn't it? haha.

I was having what I thought was a rational discussion based on the subject broached by them to me and my intention was to help them. 
Almost out of the blue, their emotions escalated off the chart. It was like a fire ignited and the whole place was ablaze.
I watched this take off, amazed at the energy of the thing, as they got up, walked away saying, (well maybe yelling?) that they did not need to listen to me judging them and did not appreciate my perspective. Period.

I must say that after the initial shock of witnessing this, I did some soul searching to determine if I was way off base in my presentation style.

I guess I came on too strong for them at this moment in time.

What I know for sure is that my intention was to help someone get through a hard time that they have been struggling with for awhile. I did not bring up the subject, so I thought they were asking me for advice. But I see now that my contribution and perspective was not wanted, appreciated or needed and was actually viewed as aggressive and confrontative. 

Oh well, we all make mistakes in judgment, thinking someone is saying or thinking something they are not. And even though you might be on the outside looking in, you cannot know someone else's truth. I learned that today.

The fiery, don't mess with me or I'll hurt you transiting Aries Moon today was not having any of my Virgo Moon analyzing perspective, no matter how much I tried to connect with them today. Maybe I was doing my Virgo Moon shadow; criticizing, even if it was unintentional, wagging my finger psychically that they were not being perfect enough and putting them on the defense before I knew it?

I learned a valuable lesson today. Don't try to help someone without permission to do so. Don't give advice unless you know for 100% certain that they asked you for it.

Just chill out and let everyone evolve in their own time frame, not in mine.