Cancer Season

I’ve got to say that I have never been fond of the name of this astrological sign, Cancer.
For it’s obvious negative connotations.

I think the folks with a Cancer Sun sign got ripped off a little bit. But so be it, I guess it’s what we’ve got to work with, so lets begin...

Cancer is a water sign with cardinal power.
In English, this means that they are initiators and movers and shakers but “go with the flow” kind of people. This description seems to collide together, don’t you think?
I mean, how can you be a domineering and energetically spirited person but be sensitive, easy going and a nurturer too?


As my mentor and teacher,  Steven Forrest would say: 'Refrain your confusion as understanding.'
So let’s do that!

Cancer Sun sign people have come here to learn how to deal with their heightened sensitivity. Their archetype is the crab or the turtle. Someone whose meat is so sensitive and delicate that they need a hard shell around them in order to survive; to hide from predators, the environment and other creatures.

Cardinal power is about having vim and vigor, enthusiasm and ambition. A cardinal sign is not inclined to give up or back down. They are great at starting projects, single-mindedness and staying focused. They are clever, intelligent and sharp.

Cancer power is all about learning how to live here with a concentrated awareness level. How can they become compassionate, caring, sympathetic and warm-hearted while feeling exposed to the elements? It sounds like they could have some fear around doing that, doesn’t it?

A Cancer Sun does this by protecting their energy, such as being a homebody, or at the very least they make everywhere they go, feel like home. This way, they keep their feelings of security intact, while subsisting in the world. They are also viewed as the great mother.

They are loyal to a fault. They wear their emotions on their sleeves and every other place too.

They have great persuasive tendencies, it’s healing for them to live by the water and just like any good mother, whether they are male or female, they enjoy cooking and hosting in the company of their loving family and close friends.

When a Cancer feels persecuted or ganged up on, they will either retreat to their shell by becoming moody, pessimistic or insecure. And if this doesn’t work to get them out of their jam, they will physically, mentally and/or emotionally remove themselves from the injustice that they believe is pursuing them.

They can feel suspicious of new people who’ve entered their life until they have gotten to know them better.

A Cancer Sun feels as if they were put on the world to help others heal. They devote much of their time and energy toward giving, giving and some more giving, but they are not very good at receiving.

Even though they come across as a devoted and kind person, they are one of the hardest astrology signs to actually get to know at a deep level.

This is because they frequently retreat into their shell of security so as not to feel the cruelty of the world.

Their deeply intuitive nature and sentimental heart can be a plus or a minus depending on how well they are open and willing to process psychic sensitivity. And how easily they can release other people’s emotional stuff.

Sometimes they have a difficult time blending in with the world, their community or their country.

Cancer Sun children must learn coping skills as they grow up and defense mechanisms during their upbringing. Adults must handle them with the utmost love, care and understanding in order for the Cancer child to trust life enough to bloom.

Since Cancer Sun’s are quick to avoid any sort of conflict, they must try and practice compassionate debate; otherwise they will not be inclined to stay around long enough to have their point of view heard. Instead, they will withdraw again back into that pesky shell.

Cancer Sun signs remind me of the Momma Bear; majestic, dignified, stunning, regal, and beautiful beings.
Just do NOT step between Momma Bear and her cubs or you will get an ass whuppin.