Leo Season

I feel like roaring, don't you? 

It's Leo season and in the northern hemisphere we are peaking at summertime. It can be so hot that for part of the day, all we want to do is nap and regenerate.

This is the Lion way, napping at the heat of the day and hunting at nightfall.

Leo's have that feeling of gravitational pull. They are ruled by the Sun which has a huge force of gravity. They have charisma, magnetism and creative energy. And they do have a flair for the dramatic, the drama queen personality and their love of the performing arts.

Leo's need your approval when they are doing a job well done but they do not need false compliments. If you want to keep a Leo as your friend, show them your love and devotion when it's meaningful to you. Do not take them for granted or ignore their shining being. And realize that it can be challenging to see Leo's for who they are and how they are feeling. This is because it is impossible to look directly into the Sun that rules this sign, so we typically believe that Leo's are doing just fine when maybe they aren't.

Leo's are the dignified King or Queen archetype. Imagine if Queen Elizabeth of England were to enter your room right now. She wouldn't do it with pomp and circumstance, she would do it with nobility and grace. This is the heart of Leo.

Leo Sun signs have got a bad rap too. We ponder their excessive egotism, and the fact that they can believe that the entire world revolves around them. This is the shadow of Leo and of course, there are some Leo's like this.

When it really comes down to it, Leo's are just fun to be around. Delightful, engaging, talented and enthusiastic. Go to a dinner party and you might just find yourself drawn to someone with a fair bit of Leo in their chart. It's easy to get caught in all that gravity that Leo's exude.

Leo's love pleasure. But what sort of pleasure? Find out what house position the sign of Leo is in your birth chart to determine what's your pleasure!

Leo Season can teach us a lot about life. They are hard working, determined, creative, self confident and self reliant. All traits that assist the world to become a better place. In the company of a Leo, Life is meaningful and fun.

Leo's are also very focused on succeeding in life so don't get in between a Leo and their goals. Unless you want to get roared at.