August, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Each month my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

In order to lighten up your load this month, dearest Aries, it requires some energy on your part. What can you do to complete some tasks that you have been avoiding or have been too busy to tackle? Spend some time clicking off your growing to do list so that you feel assured that there’s now room for new experiences to come in.  
Key Words: Guide, Strive, Discover

Your unique ability to see the glass half full is coming in alignment this month, dearest Taurus. You are being allowed the opportunity to create new experiences and shine a light on them. You will still need to find yourself some quality alone time in order to feel the vision that is trying to move through you. But this is a time to do anything that truly brings peace and joy to you and others.
Key Words: Forge, Invent, Initiate

When you slow down your thought processes and allow yourself time to just be, instead of do, go and see, you may find that miraculously, things fall right into place. Dearest Gemini, even though this is not your true nature to stop everything, I’m asking you to practice it anyway. It’s amazing what can happen when you stop over-thinking a problem and allow it to just fix itself.
Key Words: Deliberate, Quiet, Ponder

The awareness you are feeling, dearest Cancer, is in direct proportion to the internal work you’ve done on yourself. You have an opportunity now to challenge yourself to open-mindedness, no matter what issues are present. Stay curious and look for the synchronicities of abundance. Networking with like-minded people is the pathway to discover your compass forward.
Key Words: Receptive, Perceptive, Progressive

Of course August is the month that you shine, dearest Leo. And shine bright you do! Your crystal clear focus can guide you on amazing experiences as well as pinpoint what you value and what is your truth. Just remember that in order to stay happy this month, it’s important to share your time with friends and family so that your wins have deeper meaning. 
Key Words: Accomplishment, Triumph, Gold

Contemplate what it means to you, dearest Virgo, to live your ultimate self. What attributes do you possess that allow you the space to be seen and heard? Now is the perfect time to consider all avenues that bring you the success that is rightfully yours.
Key Words: Percolate, Aspire, Envision

Whatever is showing up as fact now is directly linked to your intentions and purpose from the past. Dearest Libra, what goals do you have for yourself and what are your plans for fulfilling them? What is happening in the here and now, and is it working for you or not? Please know that there are always opportunities to change your mind. All you need is the desire and the awareness.
Key Words: Shift, Modify, Aim

You are bursting at the seams when it relates to your core mission in life. If your career happens to be your mission, dearest Scorpio, then you are one of the lucky ones. You may be experiencing an increase in your productivity, an increase in your stellar reputation or an increase in your passionate purpose. If your mission is separate from your career, then speak out for whatever you hold near and dear to your heart.  
Key Words: Vocation, Progress, Life Work

There’s lots of fiery energy circling around you this month, dearest Sagittarius. Travel plans, gathering opinions to determine the best course of action and becoming an expert in your field are all worth pursuing now. This is the month that has the capacity to wake you up to the new successes in your life. Go with the flow, knowing that you are rounding the corner to your calling in life. 
Key Words: Navigation, Cruising, Wanderlust

This month, dearest Capricorn, is a time of deep reflection. It may be challenging to control the situation at hand. Better to just let it play out however it’s going to go. If you try to dominate any particular behavior, you may find that you make it harder than it needs to be. Trust that it will all work out in the wash.
Key Words: Relinquish, Potential, Illumination

You are in the middle of the dilemma of self versus others, dearest Aquarius. How do you stay true to yourself while socializing with others? How do you help out the less fortunate while still promoting your own freedom and individuality? These are the questions to answer for this month. 
Key Words: Compromise, Adaptation, Share

Do you want to know how to reserve time in your days to accomplish your dreams? This is the month, dearest Pisces, to put the pedal to the metal and finish up things on your list. Don’t have a list? Then make one, and start checking off your completions. This will free up your time and energy, in order to devote it to the dreams of your future.
Key Words: Imagination, Endeavor, Prevail