Super Duper Solar Eclipse for the USA

Here comes the super duper Solar Eclipse that we've all been talking about. This is the last Solar Eclipse in the USA, that I will see in my lifetime.

At least I'm hoping to see it. I have plans to go to Madras, Oregon, one of the epicenters to experience it. It's on the line of totality.

The problem is that we have a humongous wildfire going on in British Columbia right now, not to mention our local wildfire happening in the Pasayten Wilderness and the amount of smoke that these two are generating, is substantial. The smoke is covering several states at the moment, including Oregon. But today was our first day of blue skies in over two weeks, with no visible smoke. So maybe we are on the mend.

I must say that for all the complaining I was doing about the rain and foul weather of Alaska this summer, I would trade the smokey air in a heartbeat for the pristine air of the 49th state, right about now. But that is another story...

The Solar Eclipse is going to be tracking at a diagonal angle across our states, starting with Oregon and moving down through Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and finally South Carolina on August 21, 2017.

Astronomer's predict events in the sky while Astrologer's give meaning to those events. 

A Solar Eclipse is just one gigantic New Moon, on steroids. It's super-charged. So what does a super-charged New Moon on steroids signify?

New Moons are all about new beginnings, new intentions and fresh starts. But something has to die in order to be born anew, like what happens in your garden every year.

New Moons are the perfect time to plant crops as well as plant new ideas, thoughts, words and actions. Old habits, outdated behaviors and toxic thinking can all be put to rest before a New Moon, and should be, in order to free up space for new opportunities to arrive. 

Between 1944 and 1958, the planet Pluto was in late degrees of Leo for all those born during that time, myself included. So guess what? Because the upcoming Solar Eclipse is happening in late stages of Leo, it's for us! Also anyone born in the middle to late degrees of Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus or Leo, or anyone with other planets in those degrees, it's also for you! 

Here's my plan for this Solar Eclipse:
I'm going to quietly sit down and write a list.
A manifesting list.
On one side of my list is what ideas, thoughts, words and actions I have been allowing in my space that no longer serve my highest good. Whether I have been bringing it in myself or allowing someone else to.

On the other side of the paper, I will write what I need, feel and think for my future; for my highest good to move forward with intention, peace, love and joy, and how I plan to get there from here.

Then I'm going to speak it out loud and maybe even sing and dance it. I'm going to throw a bunch of energy at at, for what I intend for my future. 

We are living in a time when we are asked to shift gears, and move toward heart-centered enlightenment. To let go of all the areas where we are holding on to the existing paradigm of rebellious attitudes and negativity. Engaging in positive change, especially right now, is key to changing your world and the collective consciousness of our world, and it starts first at home, specifically in your thoughts.

I am personally going to practice to STOP engaging in negativity concerning speaking and complaining about our government and elected officials as well as limiting what news I allow into my life...and START a positivity portal for peace within.

I know my cells will be much happier if I do so.

This is part of what the Solar Eclipse is asking of us. What you choose to ask of it, is totally up to you.

Happy manifesting!

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

~ Dr. Wayne Dyer