Solar Eclipse Hangover

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I just returned home last night from Madras, Oregon after "doing" the Solar Eclipse. Or maybe more specifically after it did me. 

What an all-consuming, awesome, dusty, super-fun, exhausting, Twilight-Zone-ish, incredible adventure we went on.

My schedule has been a little bit crazy and manic, in order to get down there and back. 

Luckily I had my dear friend join me who has as much perseverance as I do and is a fun-loving sidekick, who became the awesome driver to my shotgun riding, GPS challenged self. Or I guess I should say that I joined her since it was she who instigated our trip to the land of Totality.

On Friday at noon I left Winthrop and drove the 5 hours it took to get to the other side. I arrived in downtown Seattle a little worse for wear, navigating through the massive Seattle traffic. Anyone that lives nearby, knows exactly what I mean by this. It's fairly challenging, to say the least.

We went out to dinner, then started transferring all the camping gear I brought into her car. At 12:50 am we left and drove through the night. We did this since we had heard what a nightmare traffic was in Oregon. We both stayed up all night and saw a few crazies on the road, but for the most part it was easy sailing. I think two "old" ladies on the road in the middle of the night drove our kids crazy but we made it to Madras at 5:30 am, in less than 5 hours. Whew!

We set up our camping stuff off of a resort parking lot we had reserved and even though we were camping on a dirt road, we were the lucky ones. You should have seen this place down there called "Solar Town." Like wow is all I can say. I imagine Woodstock looked sorta like that.

For two days we took naps (or I did!), went swimming at the local pool and at the state park, and did some drive bye's to see the local area while we waited for the Monday morning show. 


Monday arrived and so did the forest fire smoke which was a little disappointing, but in the end, nothing was going to stop the Eclipse from showing itself. It's funny, you put on your eclipse glasses to watch, not knowing from which direction the Moon is going to present itself. There it was, just a smidgen, starting to pass over, from the 1-2 o'clock position on a clock, moving toward 7-8 o'clock. For some reason, I thought it would move symmetrically left to right, like how we read. What did I know?

It feels like you are sitting in the dark with your eclipse glasses on, and watching this fascinating phenomena, was interesting for sure. But nothing prepared me for when the Sun's last light disappeared and the Moon was full, sitting on top of it, as I removed my glasses. Visual, full body feeling of BOOM. Seeing the white light illuminating behind the Moon and looking around the earth to see a light that I have never seen here before. And another visual BOOM, of Venus shining bright in the "night" sky. I just could not get over it. We were screaming and saying YAY, and, for me it was shocking to see this in a sky that I am very familiar with gazing at, since I go outside to watch it almost nightly.

I feel like the Solar Eclipse was my eclipse as it is aspecting my chart so big-time. 60% of my natal planets were being affected to some degree. My Pluto, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn, Neptune and Mars were all directly in line to this eclipse.


Or in other words, it was time to take a closer look at some radical truths that I have been suppressing that have enormous capabilities and consequences around who I am, what I believe and how to stay true to myself. What is it that I truly want? Because Santa Claus is coming to town. At my fingertips is the ability to stay disciplined and focused, to organize myself. To continue on my path, to receive a vision from the Universe that is in alignment with my higher self and mission in life. To arrive at my spiritual core using creativity and purpose and to do all this with gusto, action and passion. Certainly not a small task.

After the eclipse, we drove back to Seattle with the hoards of other cars on an 11 hour trip, and the following day I drove for the 4 additional hours over our mountain pass. I felt hungover. Like I have just experienced an out of body sensation and now I need to digest it in its entirety, or totality, haha.

Yesterday I began a cleanse. A cleanse to clean up my act. To eliminate any remaining drugs from surgery still hanging out in my cells, to flush out my liver and the rest of my eliminative organs in my body. To restart my health, to restart my life. The eclipse asked me to hit the restart button and this is the first thing that came up. I decided to clean house and the first house I'm cleaning is my body. My favorite saying, "must be present to win" starts here and starts now.

I think 2024 is calling me for the next solar eclipse experience. Mexico? Texas?

We are Eclipser's now. 

"When you're green inside, you're clean inside"    ~Dr. Bernard Jensen