September, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Each month my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:


This is the month, dearest Aries, to put your head down and charge into the work before you. It’s important to realize that when you do this and check off the items on your expanding list, the things that have been weighing on you will begin to melt away. It will free you up for new and amazing activities for the future.
Key Words: Maneuver, Focus, Bull’s-Eye

You have things to accomplish this month, dearest Taurus, and one of them is to do it with joy and purpose. It doesn’t really matter what you do with your time as long as you have a level of contentment and creativity attached to it. Pay the bills while listening to your favorite music in the background, clean the house while dancing in the kitchen. Enjoy!
Key Words: Desire, Actualize, Discover

For you, dearest Gemini, this month brings a level of creativity you haven’t seen for awhile. This is the month to meet new people that have lessons to teach you in a variety of subjects. As an example, you may be invited to a dinner party and you feel too tired to go. My advice is go anyway; you may meet someone there that helps you with a work project or is about to become your best friend. Take advantage of all opportunities this month! 
Key Words: Forge, Generate, Imagine

You may be feeling a bit like a hermit crab this month, dearest Cancer. It is your natural tendency to hide yourself away in your home life and this month there is nothing wrong with doing this. Just remember that life is going on in the outside world and when you come back to it, there will be more things pressing at you; so you might want to come up for air sooner so it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.
Key Words: Rest, Dream, Hope

You have had a lot on your plate lately, dearest Leo. The world seems to be going a million miles an hour and you are just trying to hold on. No worries. You are learning to juggle many balls in the air at once and occasionally you will drop one. It’s okay, just bend over and pick it up and start again. There’s no harm in being human and making the random mistake. You’re learning lots along the way.
Key Words: Modify, Adapt, Re-shape

This month, dearest Virgo, ask yourself these key questions; what is it that I want in my life? And what is my plan for achieving it? Because you are now standing in a time of life that requires you to make what you want and take what you want. I don’t mean this in a negative way; I mean that it’s time for you to have a win. It’s time for you to appear a little bit selfish and stick up for yourself like no one else will.
Key Words: Passion, Dedication, Commitment

You may feel like taking yourself to the background to re-group for a bit, dearest Libra. It’s fine to give yourself some space to regenerate your enthusiasm and take stock in your life. In fact it’s vital to do this right now. Clear the air with yourself and do some form of meditation in order to determine your next move; be that hiking in the forest, weeding the garden or sitting quietly and breathing.
Key Words: Ponder, Contemplate, Reflect

You are experiencing the peak of what you planted months ago, dearest Scorpio. What are you now reaping? The answer to this is key to how you could move forward. If what’s happening now feels meaningful and beneficial to yourself and others, then continue on. If it doesn’t, then this is your time to replant the seeds of diverse opportunities. You get to decide what’s working for you and what is not. You just need to make that decision and the rest will come.
Key Words: Target, Intent, Mission

When in doubt, dearest Sagittarius, you can always fall back on your love of adventure. Sometimes just doing something unique and mind blowing will thrust you into another hemisphere where you identify a different set of opportunities that you didn’t see before. Setting goals for yourself that challenge you is the way to move forward in a positive style.
Key Words: Voyage, Navigate, Aim

Devise a plan for yourself, dearest Capricorn, where you can fall deeply in love with who you are and what you stand for. Your morals are high but sometimes you get too caught up in the details to appreciate all that you are. Ponder what lies ahead for you if you continue in this manner. Then think about it some more and analyze what steps you could take to have continual enjoyment in life. 
Key Words: Speculate, Brainstorm, Consider

Part of this month finds you, dearest Aquarius, in the company of others; you needing them and them needing you. Your tendency is to express your freedom and individuality at every opportunity you get but this month it is important to include other people in your mix. There is something that they want to provide you that you need. So let them into your space to do so.
Key Words: Friendship, Assistance, Sharing

You may be feeling torn this month, dearest Pisces, between wanting your own space and needing the companionship of others. It’s fine to need both things just remember that your family and friends do not want to feel like they are second best in your eyes. Commit to social engagements when your energy is high and say no to them when you need to regenerate yourself. Just do that with a dollop of compassion.
Key Words: Devotion, Engaging, Grace