Virgo Season

Let me say first off that Virgo's have had a bad rap. Any astrology workshop I have attended, always has a few laughing jabs aimed at Virgo's: they are too serious, too critical, neat fanatics, and workaholics. Of course a case could be made that there are those Virgo's out there or the joke wouldn't be funny. But in reality, Virgo's are so much more than the brunt of a few jokes. 



Virgo symbolizes the virgin, the shy, naive lady. The perfectionist, the mentor and the craftsperson are also Virgo archetypes. Virgo's can be analytical, helpful and conscientious. 

Virgo's have come here to learn how to strive for perfection without demanding it in self or others. But that is the key: "without demanding it." 

Finding a "clean freak" in a Virgo is possible, but most likely you will find someone who appreciates order and structure. Someone who is not apt to express their emotions 24-7. Virgo's are the hard workers of the zodiac, they love knowledge and love other people who are capable and persevere just like themselves.  

Virgo's are project-orientated so if they keep themselves busy with a variety of things to do, this is their happy place. 

Virgo's can be very hard on themselves and thus can be hard on others too. Virgo's say, "this is who I am, this is who I should be. That is who you are, that is who you should be." To this end, Virgo's strive to be perfect and want you to be too. Of course, there is no such thing as perfect so it's important for a Virgo to try and let perfection go, just a little bit. 

Virgo's are not the performers of the zodiac, they are the background players. They do not like being in the spotlight but they love feeling useful and responsible to a cause. They are sensitive to their environment and they are slow to value new relationships, but once they get to know you, you could be a friend for life.

In their shadow, a Virgo worries, mostly unnecessarily. But worry they do anyway. Maybe this has to do with their sensitive nervous systems, maybe it has to do with believing that it may not turn out perfect. Either way, Virgo's should support their nervous systems through massage, mindfulness or Kava Kava or Valerian root herbal remedies, to name a few.

Because Virgo's are an earth sign, they are grounded, health conscious and stable. They are typically detail-oriented and they make some of the best employees around. I would never hesitate to hire a Virgo as they are so dependable and accomplished.

Meet a happy Virgo and you will see someone that wants to get the job done right but won't beat themselves up if it's "almost right."

Virgo's need to practice self-confidence boosters and decide to appreciate themselves in spite of their imperfections. 

I have a Virgo moon and in the past I have not appreciated it like I do now. I always wanted some other Moon sign, perhaps a spiritual Pisces moon, an adventurous Sagittarius moon or maybe a quirky Aquarius moon. I've grown into my Virgo moon. I like that when difficult issues come up, I have the ability to see reality for what it is. I like that when emotional problems arise, that I can cry for 5 minutes then move into asking myself what needs to happen in order to improve the situation.

Virgo's make great researchers, they are always willing to help the less fortunate and they have the ability to see and observe the reality around them before anyone else may see it.

Virgo's are so reliable, trustworthy and practical. They make very good people to turn to when you want advice.

I think Virgo's could be described as one of the most spiritually evolved signs even though you would never see this written anywhere, and here's why: they never give up, they are always striving, working to improve the lives of self and others and they invest in their education in order to enhance life on earth. They persevere in times of peril, they think rationally and see challenges for what they are and they have the tools to deal with anything that may come their way.

You could argue that this is not evolved, this is boring! That a Pisces with their access to the unseen world is by far more spiritually evolved. Or a Scorpio can get to the meat of any issue and has access to shaman teachings. Or a Gemini is so open-minded that their evolution invites all to attend. But what is more evolved than always striving to think better, speak better and do better? Always striving to make the world a better place to inhabit?

This is Virgo, at its heart.

"I'm never satisfied, man, I'm a Virgo. We over analyze and we're never satisfied. So I'm gonna keep going till the wheels fall off." ~ Olubowale Victor Akintimehin, also known as Wale, the Rapper.