Tierney was the Sun

She was one of the rare ones, so effortlessly herself, and the world loved her for it.
— Atticus

Anyone that knows me at all, knows that I just lost one of my best friends of all time to asthma complications. 

Tierney Salter was a colorful, powerhouse of a personality wrapped up in a tiny frame of a woman. I met her many many moons ago when she was hand delivered to me in the forests of Orting, Washington as we were out picking Chanterelle mushrooms. I think I was 24 or 25 years old at the time and the first day we met, we almost got in a head-on collision with a logging truck. This was the start of our adventurous, health related, laughing out loud friendship.

When we first met, Tierney had just completed herb school in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her beloved teacher Michael Moore and had yet to open her store The Herbalist, in Seattle.

For The Herbalist logo, Tierney chose a beaver holding a branch of herbs. She told me that she picked this because beavers are known to build their houses with many doors opening to the outside. To her it signified being open-minded to the possibility that there are many ways to heal, many doors to open onto your health. 


Tierney had a knack for putting together amazing herbal formulas as anyone can attest to if they just go into her store or check it out outline: The Herbalist

She was a pioneer of natural healing at a time in our history when hardly anyone was talking about health in this way. She was instrumental in bringing detoxing and intestinal cleansing products to the forefront of our awareness. Think "Intestinal Rescue", her tried and true product for the ages. She loved Dr. Bernard Jensen, and especially his book: Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management. What a title!

She dispensed her knowledge and wisdom out freely and she was giving Iridology readings before anyone had any idea what these were. (And many still don't.) She was the one I called when I had any questions related to natural health care as she was always the most up to date on the latest trends.

Tierney and I went to Iridology school together in San Diego and studied under Dr. Ellen Tart-Jensen, Dr. Bernard Jensen's daughter-in-law. When we were there, we rented a turquoise convertible to toodaloo around town in. In 1981, she helped me find an herb and massage school in California to attend after my mom died and it immediately shifted the gears of my life in a positive way.


Tierney developed the bi-annual events at The Herbalist that we famously did together for several years. All products in her store were discounted. I offered free mini Astrology readings and Tierney offered free mini Iridology readings. After we did this for a year or so alone, she added free facials, free naturopathic consultations, free nail care, free massages and free sample products with other practitioners included. We had a blast doing this but after a whirlwind day of 15-20 clients, we'd head straight out to our favorite sushi restaurant, of course.

Tierney and I had this one thing in common: We were (are) life-long learners. We were always studying some new technique, some new research in the health subjects that interested us, then we would get together and discuss. So we learned a lot from each other over the years and it was always inspiring.

But besides all this, she was family. Not blood related, but soul related. We went through many challenging times together, emotionally supporting each other along the way. We celebrated the good times together. We went on vacation together. We had a life-long love for each other.

She and my husband Dale were two peas in a pod, exchanging new and innovative ideas together any chance they got. It was hard to keep up with their sharp and witty exchanges.


Tierney was the Sun. By this I mean, everyone revolved around her generous and engaging personality. I have gotten to know many of her friends and family over the years because she always included everyone, all the time. She could throw an amazing party and frequently did. There were numerous "surprise" birthday parties with her signature on them as well as the annual Herbalist holiday parties.

She was our Sun, with the most gravitational pull in our Universe. Her charisma was over the top! All her friends and family were the planets and asteroids rotating around this unbelievably funny, fashion-conscious, sharp minded, open hearted, engaging girl. Now these planets and asteroids feel a little bit out of wack without her Sun lighting the way and keeping us in her gravitational pull.

There is no one that will even come close to matching her style, humor and inclusiveness. She was an icon in so many ways. 

One of my thoughts this week was selfish, but I will share it here anyway: "OMG, now I have to become my own herbalist!"

I cannot call her for herbal wisdom any longer, which seems a little bizarre to say the least. 

So to this end, moving forward I am going to re-introduce myself to what I learned so long ago in herbal medicine school and become my own expert in this emerging field. Or at least, attempt to. I think in doing this, it would bring a mighty laugh of joy from Tierney.

I miss her terribly and I always will. Goodbye for now, beautiful friend. 

So long, farewell...until we meet again.