October, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Each month my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:


I know all about your independent nature, dearest Aries, but I’m asking you to give it a backseat this month. You have entered a phase where it’s extremely important to collaborate with your fellow man and experience what it’s like to play well with others. This month you need their help, advice and feedback. Embrace it. 
Key Words: Cooperate, Participate, Contribute

Some work is never done, dearest Taurus, and you have begun feeling this right now. Start a healthy lifestyle, free up your body and mind to what lies ahead and complete those mundane tasks in order to have room for the next great thing. Grand opportunities are just around the corner, especially when it relates to your partnerships, so it’s best to check off everything on your list so you are free to adventure onward.
Key Words: Stamina, Well-being, Robust

Busy does not begin to describe this month for you, dearest Gemini. You are coming from creativity-plus into the reality realm; how are you going to fit all this creativity into your activities of daily living? The answer is hidden under the maze of hard work and accomplishment. Yes, you have experienced new ideas and new beginnings that you don’t want to lose sight of. Practice integrating them into your everyday life in whatever way works best.
Key Words: Assimilate, Organize, Mesh

You have organized yourself and now it is time to enjoy what you have created, dearest Cancer. Creativity and joy are now yours to utilize to the best of your ability. Love to cook? Register for a cooking class. Love to write? Attend a writing seminar. Choose to do whatever you are passionate about and enjoy the process along the way.
Key Words: Inspire, Produce, Cultivate

Truth and honesty are playing a key role in your family and friendships this month, dearest Leo. What is it that you have been meaning to say and how can you diplomatically do this, in order to be heard? It’s important to take a step back and get quiet enough to hear your inner feelings speaking to you, so you can choose the way you want your life to be, intentionally.
Key Words: Heart-centered, Direction, Bottom-line

Take a deep breath, dearest Virgo, and dive into the free-for-all. You are happiest when you have a project and a purpose but this month finds you biting off a little bit more than you can chew. Or at least you think so. But here’s the deal; you can handle all the chaos and you will. And you may actually surprise yourself how well you do it. 
Key Words: Overload, Medley, Rapid

I know you are all about peace and harmony, dearest Libra, no matter what the cost. But this month I’m asking you to rise above compromise and diplomacy and roar for what you desire and believe in. If you don’t finally stick up for yourself and what you want, then who will? Once you do this, you will see that it was easier than you thought. 
Key Words: Indulgent, Spirited, Assertive

Communication is key for you now, dearest Scorpio, but what are you communicating about? You have entered a time when it’s important to slow down enough to hear the messages of your heart and soul. Commune with nature, create visionary art, become the person that you have been imagining. What will it take to make this happen? Answer this question for the upcoming month.
Key Words: Connection, Communion, Reveal

What’s manifesting this month, dearest Sagittarius, are the relationships that you have propagated in the past. They are peaking now and you get to take another look at them. Are they everything you hoped for? What’s working for you now is worth cultivating and what isn’t may be falling through the cracks. It’s okay to let go of some relationships or experiences that no longer serve you. It’s actually liberating.
Key Words: Society, Pursue, Intent

You have a mission, dearest Capricorn, and here is what it is: Participate in new moments, make new beginnings happen, if possible travel over an ocean and take yourself on a cultural experience. Do this in order to feel deep in your heart and soul the love and kindness you have for all beings on this earth. Then apply these feelings to be the change in the world that you want to see. 
Key Words: Original, Formative, Inspired

For some reason, dearest Aquarius, now is the time to put on your detective hat. What is it that lies just below the surface that is about to be exposed? Throw your attention on the deep-seated feelings of yourself and others and proceed with wisdom and purpose. Doing so will bring you the self-confidence and self-worth that you long for.
Key Words: Concentrate, Power, Depth

You are dealing with the balance between self and others. How do you wish to spend your time? On your own projects or on those of others? You need to get clear-headed, dearest Pisces, on how to include other people into your life and still keep your autonomy. This may be a fine-tuned balancing act and you are in charge of how it functions optimally. Do your best to include friends and family but not at the sake of loosing yourself in the process. 
Key Words: Liberty, Adjust, Adapt