Scorpio Season

The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are.
— Goldie Hawn

Scorpio season is upon us. If you live in the northern hemisphere, it's halloween, it's starting to get darker earlier and the cold is seeping into our pores. All of this sounds a little bit spooky and this is Scorpio in a nutshell. 

Now if you are a Scorpio, you may think that you are getting a bad rap. And I would not disagree. But Scorpio is so much more than all this. 

When you are doing Scorpio well, you are allowing yourself to see the truth of the matter. Radical honesty has your name written all over it. 

Scorpio's are here to role model how to do transformation well. They are the shaman archetype and consequently they attract light as well as dark energy to them in order to help it transform into another form. 

Some of my most favorite people are Scorpio's and here's why: I can count on them to tell me the truth after I teach them that I can handle it and want to. This is one of the keys to loving a Scorpio.

When Scorpio's are growing up, they typically get shhhh'd a lot by their parents or siblings. They grow up hearing "you are being mean," "you are too intense," or "you need to be quiet." Because Scorpio's can feel so deeply, they might feel the lady in front of them is embarrassed by their weight and say to their mommy in line: "Why is she so fat?" This is when the shhhh-ing begins.

Scorpio's learn early on that most people do not appreciate their keen observation powers and they begin to shut down and shut up. This is why they are viewed as secretive. They learn to suppress how they really see the world in order to survive and thrive here. If you know a Scorpio who is upfront, engaging and honest to the core, then this Scorpio has risen above their early programming and should be applauded for revealing themselves.

If I had one word to describe what a Scorpio person embodies, it would be magnetic. Their distinct magnetic personalities are intoxicating. And as long as you value and love them enough to let them shine in the world exactly the way they see and feel it, you will receive so many gifts of insight from them, to help you on your journey of vibrancy and transformation.

The band, Jape, says it best in their song Scorpio:
"Oh, where the river goes, the human air, the psychic flow.
And every turmoil must be born, I love the shelter but I need the storm.