
Lately I've been thinking of all the world crisises that have happened since the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse.

That's just a little less than 3 months ago. 

Hurricane Maria, Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey...

The numerous California fires, more than 15, that have scorched over 220,000 acres and burned an estimated 5,700 structures. Perhaps at least 40 deaths thus far...

The fires of Oregon, Montana and here in Washington. The extreme smoke that we experienced is now a bad dream but that was perhaps the most challenging summer that I've ever lived through in the Methow Valley. 

And as I read through this, I realize that I totally forgot to mention the numerous earthquakes in Mexico. So many challenging times, that it's easy to forget some.

And don't get me started on what I think about the Las Vegas concert shootings and other recent school shootings, leaving injuries and death along their path. Just another one today in fact. Suffice it to say that they were horrendous and I don't see anything changing in the laws of our land relating to gun safety. Do you? As far as I can tell, Australia had a brilliant idea, after a mass shooting in their country, that has worked to eliminate any future gun problems.  

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This is a serious amount of strife to process for us all and it's not even counting what we are all dealing with personally. The dearest friend that I lost 4 days after the eclipse, several people that I know who have lost their children to accidents or illnesses this summer and fall. The family members that have died out of the blue. We as a nation and a world, are shifting into serious transformational times and we need to hold on to our hats because we are in for a bumpy ride and continue to be bumping along.

And none of this is even counting the words and actions coming out of our White House, but I will leave that writing for another day. Because here come the first indictments of this administration....

And what about Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and the others? Talk about Jupiter in Scorpio, I couldn't see this all coming but I'm not surprised in the least that this explosive movement has risen up in the face of sexual harassment and assault. Jupiter-make it as big as it possibly can be. Scorpio- about sex, death and transformation. What has been hidden deeply, is now exposed. This needs to get exposed and victims are releasing their stressful experiences with radical honesty, just like any good Scorpio would do.

All of us must have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, otherwise we aren't paying attention. I know I feel it.

I'm making every effort to get out into the fresh air and the sunshine, in order to stay optimistic in spite of it all. Except where, exactly is that sunshine as of late?

Last night I spent a fair amount of time under the stars digesting their messages. I'm getting lots of bodywork. I'm hiking as far as my double knee replacements will let me, and then some. And now I'm doing everything possible to eliminate any last bit of swelling that is plaguing me.

I'm taking a tincture of Reishi Mushroom that I swear helps my immune system to stay healthy and a tincture of Kava Kava Plus to help me achieve "happy unconcern" as Tierney would suggest for me if she were here. I'm signing up for classes that interest me, in field's that are new to me.

Basically, I'm making the moves to show the Universe that I'm not done yet and I plan on having a lot more to offer the world. I'm paying more attention about what is going on around me even though I still filter the news that I let inside my cells and ears.

There are so many lessons weaved into what we are collectively going through right now. I just hope that I live long enough to reap the benefits of this time of turmoil in order to get to the juicy parts of hindsight. As in, ohhhhh, this is why we had to go through all that. I get it now!

Can't wait to get it now!

The components of anxiety, stress, fear and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do
— Dr. Wayne Dyer