Venus and Jupiter Dancing Before Dawn


Get ready! On Monday November 13, Venus and Jupiter are going to peak over the eastern horizon together, roughly one hour before sunrise. 

These two will do this again on the following morning of November 14, but the 13th is when they are going to look almost like one, they are so close from our perspective here on earth.

Steven Forrest, one of my all time favorite teachers has written an amazing blog post about this, as well as the audio version. Check it out here.

There is a part in his blog that I feel kindred to, where it talks about what you may be experiencing whenever you gaze into the night sky. His friend Jim Mullaney, an astronomer and astrology fan, talked about it and it goes something like this: "He calls it the photon connection. What he means is that a literal photon of light leaves Jupiter traveling at about 186,000 miles per second and then crashes into your retina. As it does so, it creates biochemical changes in your cerebrum – and just maybe, in so doing, it carries a message from Jupiter directly to your soul."

I think this is a fabulous example of the possibilities of change and transformation that can happen just from looking up. Maybe it's true?

But back to what it means when we see Venus and Jupiter dancing close in the sign of Scorpio. Think love, think sex, think deep truths, think expansion, think clarity, think transformation.

Anytime that Jupiter is involved, it asks you: How have you been underestimating yourself? What is it that you really want in your life? And what is your plan to get it? 


Anytime Venus is involved, it asks you: How will you deepen your connection with your family and loved ones? When should you compromise and when should you not? Who loves you and who do you love?

Anytime that Scorpio is involved, it asks you: What has been in your unconscious that now wants to bubble up into the light? What taboo subject needs to be processed and addressed?

Scorpio embraces the archetype of the shaman. Sometimes enlightening, sometimes scary but always illuminating.

Put these all together and you have a powerhouse in the realm of relationships and connections.

So if you want to utilize the planetary energies of November 13, get quiet enough to answer these key questions: How can I begin to transform certain relationships in my life that will in turn bring me greater clarity, transformation and happiness? What do I really need in order to feel a greater connection to my loved ones and to all of mankind? Knowing these answers, do I have enough commitment to make it happen?

I have and still spend a fair amount of time gazing at the night sky, since I live part time in a place with virtually no light pollution.

Sunrise in the Pacific Northwest is at approximately 7:12 am on November 13, 2017. I'm planning to be up and outside by 6:03 am. Want to psychically join me and others? Then get up early, before the birds and pop outside for the sunrise. But first, look east, look out and look up.

Because it's looking up that can transform everything.

Being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure, that’s so real it scares you
— Bob Marley