November, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Each month my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

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Partnerships of all kinds are highlighted now in your life, dearest Aries. You may think that you want to be left alone to do your own thing, but in reality, you need the opinions and energy of other people to help guide you along your path. Focus on compromising and kindness this month in order to have a smooth transition working with other people.
Key Words: Decisive, Diplomatic, Intensity

What’s love got to do with it, dearest Taurus? This month, everything! You will find yourself in numerous relationship combinations; siblings, loved ones, business partnerships to name but a few. This is your time to ask yourself how you can improve each and every encounter you have, then make the move to do it. There is a great opportunity this month to improve and renew each interaction you encounter.
Key Words: Optimism, Creative, Peace

You have a lot of small details to attend to now, dearest Gemini. In order to make room for the next greatest thing, you must first make a list and check it all off as complete. When you do this, you open yourself up for new and varied experiences and then you will have enough room to breathe.
Key Words: Service, Chores, Harmony

You’re looking at the end game as we speak, dearest Cancer. By this I mean, your goals and aspirations are right below the surface ready to bloom. In order to enhance this process, live your life now with joy, creativity and purpose. When you feel good to be alive, it promotes positive attitudes and seeing the glass as “half-full.”
Key Words: Recreate, Artistic, Grateful

You must be feeling like a bit of a homebody this month, dearest Leo? Not in the traditional sense but in the sense of using your home base as somewhere you can rejuvenate your heart and soul. Engage in some form of creativity in order to enhance your happiness quota there. Paint your bedroom, start a sewing project or de-clutter the house. Do anything that helps you to feel secure and lighter.
Key Words: Nap, Investigate, Regenerate

This month you are being asked to get quiet long enough so that you can understand what your next move is. When you are going a hundred miles per hour, it is hard to enjoy the scenery that passes you by. It’s time to slow down a bit, dearest Virgo, and enjoy the process as much as the end results.
Key Words: Navigate, Contemplate, Enjoy the view!

Money matters may be in the cards for you, dearest Libra, be it in the plus column or the minus. What is coming up for you relates to your strong or weak self-confidence and self-worth feelings. Try not to let the energy of your money cloud your mind. You are not super successful if you are endowed with lots of money and you are not a failure if your bank account is small. You are rich in spirit if you chose to be.
Key Words: In-tune, Enlighten, Engage

Welcome to the season of deep truths, dearest Scorpio. Now is the time when you have the permission to speak your truth as you see it. It’s okay to feel just a bit selfish and ask for what pleases you. Your tendency is to hide among the shadows, not expressing yourself fully for fear of rejection. But this month the world wants and needs to hear what you feel in your heart.
Key Words: Purpose, Driven, Radical honesty

Now that some things have come to fruition, what’s next dearest Sagittarius? It’s time to do a little bit of contemplation in order to recover from the challenges you’ve recently faced. When you let go of outcomes and just allow life to enfold naturally, you will see the next direction to move toward. But until then, just be.
Key Words: Calm, Mindful, Believe

A bit of intensity may be happening in your career goals right now, dearest Capricorn. It’s time for you to make an emotional shift in how you want to think about your life’s work. Recommit yourself to your true mission, be it career or volunteer life. It’s important that you do what you are passionate about, and not just go through the motions for gathering money.
Key Words: Perseverance, Determination, Progress

You are speaking some deep truths this month, dearest Aquarius. Your filter is temporarily down. This is not a bad thing, in fact, it’s about time that you say what you mean and mean what you say.  You have a thinking pattern that is “philosophy, outside the box”, and it needs a bit of light shining on it now. Don’t hesitate. Be kind but neutrally direct, and just say it like it matters to you.
Key Words: Opinions, Perceptions, Gratitude

You are coming across like a shaman, dearest Pisces. You can currently feel the light and dark emotions surrounding you and you have the ability to process this fully. There’s a form of intensity to deal with this month and it relates to how you may have been underestimating yourself in the past. Shoot for the moon, knowing that you have the tenacity to reach it with a little faith and a positive outlook. 
Key Words: Embrace, Dive deep, Come up for air