Sagittarius Season


Sagittarius is the sign of freedom, independence and adventurous endeavors. When you say "jump" to a Sagittarius, they respond "how high?"

They are engaging, fun-loving and honest, sometimes to a fault. They are quite the idealists and whatever they believe, they believe, no matter if it is correct or not. They like to have the last word and the charisma they display is addicting.

Sagittarius is generous, passionate and a witty conversationist.

They are the perpetual wanderers. But not just for something to do. They are seeking the truth, they are looking for the long world view. They value knowledge and are searching for something or someone that they can believe in.

They are the philosophers around us and they are the gypsy's. They are striving to find the meaning of life and they will go to the end's of the earth in order to get their questions answered. They are the big picture thinkers and they are the optimists and the explorers. In their shadow, Sagittarius will easily leap before they look, as if they just assumed there was enough water in that river when they jumped off that bridge. 

My North Node of the Moon is in Sagittarius. Meaning that if I make a conscious choice to move toward Sagittarius experiences, I will be healing some major mojo karma from my past.

But here is the dilemma: the North Node of the Moon is the hardest thing we all do because we have no past experience with it as a habit.

So I'm a newbie Sagittarius experiencer. My North Node is in the house of the home and family. What did I do when I had Saturn aspecting it? I did something hard and extreme in a Saturn mode; we sold our house and started traveling part-time, overseas.

A Sagittarius North Node wants to have all those worldly experiences without knowing rationally why. But I was not very good at initiating it, at least not in the first part of my life.

Luckily for me, I have a super duper independent minded traveler extraordinaire that I just happen to know and love, my husband Dale. He basically required me to get over my fears and go!

No sooner had we met, when I found myself in Brazil and other parts of South America. He helped me hop on my bandwagon of Sagittarius adventures.

Sag's are charming and sociable and if you asked them they would tell you that they feel grateful and lucky. They are action oriented, athletic with lots of stamina. They are outgoing and engaging and are natural born teachers.

And they are some of my best friends on this planet, which I am so grateful for.