Winter Solstice, Return of the Light

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In the northern hemisphere, we are about to experience the Winter Solstice, on Thursday December 21, 2017, one of my most favorite times. Why? Because I want to scream at the top of my lungs, "BRING ON THE LIGHT!"

I guess I just struggle with the increasing darkness and am beyond ready to live in the light. This is part of the reason I love to go to Alaska in the summer and experience the beauty of a sunset at midnight, a glowing night sky for hours afterwards.

I know there is a whole astronomical explanation for the Winter Solstice that I will leave to the scientists. What interests me is what is the meaning of it? This is the juicy part that I care about.

Some have said that it's a time of rebirth. A time of magic, of your hopes and dreams becoming manifested and the ability to see them in the light of day. We are psychically starting to engage more, to understand more and to see as well as be seen, starting the day after the Winter Solstice. 

I liken this to the darkness of night followed by the full moon rising and making everything seen in a mystical and magical way.

I love the symbolism of the longest night of the year, followed the next day by a shift of gears toward light and energy. Toward optimism and purpose. Toward warmth and kindness. Toward perseverance and beauty.

We are living in times of darkness and it's been having a profound effect on our immune systems and attitudes as we can all see and feel the heaviness we have been enduring. What have you been doing to combat this season of darkness? At the very least, we need to supplement with Vitamin D or get out in the sun whenever it shines. 

Winter Solstice can give us the symbolism of coming out of the dark to see everything for what it is, in all its glory or in its shadowy mess.

There's no more room for hiding in the shadows anymore. Just ask Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Louis CK and Kevin Spacey, to name a few. Everyday, more and more darkness is exposed, lighting our lives and lighting the way for our higher selves.

I like this phenomena we get to experience here on Earth. It's meaningful, enlightening and pure magic.

You can’t fight the dark. You can wait for the light, you can look for the light, you can share the light or you can shine!