Capricorn Season

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Capricorn season is upon us and there will be no more monkey business of Sagittarius energy. Stop playing around, get to work and buck up!

All kidding aside, or did you know that I was just joking? 

Capricorn's are tenacious, ambitious and disciplined. Or at least they have come here to be.

Capricorn's symbol is the sea-goat, but I like to think of them as mountain goats; willing and able to climb up the steepest rocky mountain outcroppings and be able to hang on without falling to their deaths.

A Capricorn travels through life slowly but surely, one step at a time, never giving up, never turning back. The view from the top is spectacular and when Capricorn's reach the top, it's important that they look around and enjoy their accomplishments and the view.

Capricorn's are a grounded earth sign and when they are doing Capricorn well they have realistic expectations for self and others. When they are doing Capricorn poorly, they are trying to control their surroundings and other people.

Capricorn has the energy of going inward to re-evaluate where they are in space. We all may be feeling a little bit of this lately as Saturn moved into Capricorn this week and Pluto has been in Capricorn for some time now. But Capricorn Sun sign people will have the added bonus (challenge?) of having an intimate discussion with Saturn and Pluto in the next two to two and a half years.

What does this mean?

Saturn's energy brings discipline and reality to situations. It brings the energy of pressing on in spite of roadblocks in your way. Indicating that roadblocks are a possibility but you have the ability to move mountains with the right attitude. With a poor attitude, it can bring depression and curmuggeoness.... is this even a word?

Pluto's energy brings to the surface all the issues you have been stuffing down over the years because they were too painful or uncomfortable to process. But, you are just now willing to face them. 

Capricorn's will be doing some Saturn and Pluto work in the next couple years as their Sun makes conjunction aspects to both of these planets. 

How can Capricorn's make the most out of these challenging Saturn and Pluto times? Be willing to do the hard work required of you in a timely and rational way. What has scared you in the past that you are just now willing to face? Time to face it. What roadblocks are in your way? Figure out how to go around them or through them. Do not procrastinate, do not save it for another day. 

Face it, deal with it and move on. This is your mantra for the next 2 years. 


If you can do what you do best and be happy, you are further along in life than most people
~Leonardo Dicaprio