January, 2018 Monthly Horoscope



Dearest Aries, your life is right out front for all to see. So what is it that you want to share? It’s time to probe deep into the abyss of your life and determine what are the goals that you have had that are now outdated or no longer in higher service to you? Make a plan to re-evaluate your life purpose and get clear about what new steps you need to take. 
Keywords: Aspire to, Evaluate, Meditate


You are lining up toward your passionate purpose, dearest Taurus, in order to see it clearly. You may be struggling because you are over thinking it instead of your standard way of overdoing it. Your purpose should have the qualities of a rebel; uniqueness, innovation, forward thinking and able to turn on a dime. You need to prepare yourself; what is coming your way may show up unannounced. Be prepared to be surprised. It’s all in alignment. 
Keywords: Ambition, Elegance, Discovery


For part of this month, dearest Gemini, it’s important to take some alone time in order to determine what truths you have been ignoring, that now need to be addressed. Further down the way, you will offer up your own form of wisdom and how that relates to your future. You need to have enough courage to trust your loved ones with your inner thoughts and beliefs. Because they are key to the help you will need on your life path. 
Keywords: Connection, Mentor, Advisor


You are in a bit of a conundrum, dearest Cancer. On the one hand you are feeling heavily responsible to your loved ones and this is pulling at your heartstrings. On the other hand, you need to have some independence and freedom in order to completely rejuvenate yourself.  You are learning the fine art of balance and boundaries. And with anything that we learn, it takes practice and determination to succeed. Try, try again! 
Keywords: Train, Prepare, Align


Sometimes the energy of the month is self-motivating and sometimes it is group motivating. For you this month, dearest Leo, it is time to trust the people surrounding you and let them in to see another side of you. Maybe you have a charming companion to introduce to your family or maybe you offer up yourself to be of service to your community. Whatever it is that is taking you into the realm of group consciousness, go with it. You need to learn how to trust and that is what this month is about for you. 
Keywords: Hope, Reliance, Faith


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You are being asked to lighten up, dearest Virgo. Those lists of things to do will still be there, even if you give it a break. There’s some creative energy that wants to play out in your family and home life. How have you been underestimating a family member? What steps can you take at home that will leave you happier and healthier there? Concentrate on answering these questions and let yourself reawaken to the answers. 
Keywords: Ingenious, Visionary, Down Home


Dearest Libra, it feels like you are crawling out of the dark and up into the light. Being so responsible to your family or friends, have left you feeling a bit drained and you are in need of some vibrant sunshine and exercise. Don’t let the strain you’ve been under affect your positive outlook and chose to live in the moment right now. You are pushing upward like a new sprout in spring. The sprout doesn’t continue to feel drained that it’s been underground for weeks; it just rises to the surface. 
Keywords: Acceleration, Surge, Purge


You are learning to verbalize your curiosity about life and attempting to have faith, that the people will accept you for who you are. This is not an easy task for a Scorpio, as your upbringing had something to do with silencing your truth. Pop up a little bit and give those silencers a second chance to love you. As long as you continue to promote open-mindedness, you give the haters nowhere else to turn, except to your genuineness. Sudden changes could occur around how you view yourself in the world or perhaps in your home life. This is not a bad thing; this is a valuable way to evolve with your family and friends. 
Keywords: Authenticity, Bravery, Revelation


When you get quiet enough to hear your thoughts, dearest Sagittarius, what are you thinking about yourself? Many times you are just too busy to understand what is making you feel inferior or fearful. You are such a capable person with so many talents. You just need to slow down enough to receive the wisdom of this. Then you can realize that you are more than fine, you are brilliant. 
Keywords: Solitude, Assets, Peace and Quiet


I know that you are typically quite a responsible person, dearest Capricorn, so I’m not asking you to change that. Merely, I want you to decide who you should be responsible to this month. And let me give you a hint. It starts with a Y and ends with an OU. You are the one that gets to be taken care of by you! So do whatever it looks like to make this happen. Need a massage? A lunch out with a friend? Or perhaps a solo walk in the woods? You are your priority this month, so figure out how to enjoy this. 
Keywords: Special, Choice, Solid Gold


You’re in the middle, dearest Aquarius, of an awakening. You are figuring out what is ending and what is now beginning. You may not understand this yet, but as this month goes by, it will start to become crystal clear. You are being asked to enjoy this process anyway, even if you don’t have all the answers. Ride the wave to the finish line but don’t forget to enjoy the view along the way. 
Keywords: Acceptance, Confidence, Unity


Something is coming to fruition in your life, dearest Pisces. Perhaps it’s a relationship that you planted many moons ago or maybe it’s a career path? It’s time to ask yourself, what is it in your life that is still working after all these years? Celebrate this and show gratitude. And what is it that is not working? Make a new plan that will allow you to embrace the beautiful challenges along the way, because we all know that they are part of any worthwhile package. 
Keywords: Proposal, Reason, Intention