Aquarius Season


Aquarius Season is front and center. So how do we define this time in life?

The Aquarius symbol is the water bearer, not water but the carrier of it. Aquarius brings the liquid of life to any situation. The liquid that binds us, gives us health, bathes us in its glow and gives us a fresh start. 

Aquarius is the sign of the quirky self. The freedom-loving, eccentric, inventive person and the humanitarian.

If you are doing your Aquarius Sun well, you will be unwilling to go along with the crowd. You will be beating to your own drum and your mantra is, "I'm not out to please others or gather approval. The only one whose approval I need is my own."

If you are doing Aquarius poorly, you let the opinions of others flavor your decisions, leaving you to feel uninspired and isolated. This can lead you to emotionally pulling yourself away from loved ones further.

Aquarian's can be highly opinionated and idealistic. You might be hearing them say that "it's not fair!" They are not into outdated and old thinking and they have the genius archetype to get to the heart of the matter. 

Aquarian's will typically have lots of friends and acquaintances but also be aloof and standoffish. Intellectually they want to go along with the crowd to fit in, but when it really gets down to it, they just can't. And they shouldn't. 

We need Aquarius in our world. They are the forward thinking, tech savvy, believers that anything that hasn't been done before is possible and probable with enough pizazz and intention. 

Aquarian's are the rebels in our world with a cause. They are assertive, independent and the truly original thinkers. They have come here to put this saying into our world: "to thy own self be true."

My husband Dale is the most super duper Aquarius known to mankind. The joke in our family is that he needs so much personal space and freedom, that his aura field is 3 times the size of anyone else's. You can not box this guy in. He will not only think outside the box but he will throw the box out the window. Try traveling with him. He will lead you to the most remote places possible and this is where he will find peace. And because of this, his family finds it too.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become
~Steve Jobs