February, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

You have come to a place, dearest Aries, where you can look back and see the lessons that you have learned.  What wounds are now healing and how has this made you feel inspired? You are at the end of the line where you reflect on all that has transpired, filing those lessons under LEARNED. Do this so that you are primed and ready to start fresh in the upcoming months. 
Keywords: Access, Contemplate, Mend

Don’t close your eyes for a second, dearest Taurus, otherwise you may miss something important that wants to be seen. The goals you have, step out front and center, and along with your community members you have a chance to make a positive difference. There are surprises just around the corner and your job is to enjoy them as much as possible. 
Keywords: Innovative, Ingenious, Delight

You are flitting out and about as always, dearest Gemini, but now you are doing it in front of an audience. There is nowhere to hide your curiosity this month so be sure that whatever you are out there doing, it’s something that you would want to role model. Because, like it or not, you are. Make time to adventure with loved ones as well as take time at home to regroup. 
Keywords: Professional, Limelight, Recognition

There are some challenges with loved ones this month, dearest Cancer. You are learning how to think independently and value the freedom that you have worked for in your life. Friends or family that have always been able to count on you for their emotional support, do not value your newfound freedom and may be putting up a fuss. So be it. Let them have their opinions as long as you follow through on your promise to yourself that you are the most important person in your life. 
Keywords: Liberty, Power, Potential

Get out your detective badge this month, dearest Leo, and figure out what emotional components you have that need some deep healing. Perhaps your sadness? Your anger? Or your resentment? By communing with nature or with a charming companion, you may be able to unlock the key to your feelings and heal something deep within. This is usually done with forgiveness, and sometimes that may relate to self-forgiveness. 
Keywords: Compassion, Grace, Fierceness

Everywhere I look, I see you dealing with your friends or family, dearest Virgo.  Is there some kind of power struggle happening at home? Or maybe it’s happening in your body? Your peers can always count on you when the “you know what” hits the fan but who do you count on? It’s important that you value yourself enough to believe that what you want is just as important as what others desire. There may be a health issue that is whispering in your ear right now to pay attention.  Don’t ignore this or it may have to get louder in order for you to hear it. 
Keywords: Well-being, Kindred-spirit, Understanding

Welcome to the light of day, dearest Libra. Your talents, hindsight and harmony are shining bright. Sometimes when you shine so bright, you are blinding to others. In this case, I would venture that your family or loved ones are squinting to see you for who you are. Luckily it is not your job to help them see you. It is only your job to be who you are in all your glory, no matter what that does to other people. It takes courage to shine in spite of it all, but shine you will. 
Keywords: Radiance, Gifted, Inspired

Dearest Scorpio, maybe you’ve been taught from childhood to hold it all in and don’t say it out loud. Deep truths are trying to sprout up from your family life and the past is trying to get exposure. And this may come as a surprise or suddenly without much warning. Start practicing saying what you mean in as much diplomacy as you can muster, but however it comes out, speak it clearly and out loud. Nothing can change for the better until everyone releases the thoughts and actions that have been stuffed down for years. 
Keywords: Percolate, Assert, Voice

It’s going to feel a bit chaotic this month, dearest Sagittarius. People and circumstances are presenting themselves and it seems like it’s happening all at once. The best way to manage all this is to view it as a learning opportunity. Prioritize with a capital P. What’s important to devote your time to and what is not? This is your question of the hour. 
Keywords: Arrange, Calculate, Schedule

You may be dealing with money issues this month, dearest Capricorn. Something that you did not expect is on the forefront of your mind. This could be sparking your ability to stay confident within yourself or perhaps it becomes a self-worth challenge. In any case, try to stay open to new possibilities and not get caught up in acting too inflexible that you do not see the gift that’s right in front of you. Maybe you will have an unusual houseguest or someone in your family changes their tune. 
Keywords: Unforeseen, Resources, Fortitude   

This is the season to step out in the light, dearest Aquarius, and move forward into the life you desire. If you know what I mean by this, great, go for the gusto! If you are unclear, step back; get quiet enough to let your thoughts speak to your mind.  When you have the confidence to be okay with not knowing what’s coming next, you allow yourself the opportunities of synchronicities and amazing surprises that you never could have dreamed. When in doubt, create! Make something out of thin air with music, art or drama and see where this leads you. 
Keywords: Divine, Inspiration, Intuition

You are becoming a rising star, dearest Pisces. What I mean by this is that it is your time to shine and shine bright.  You may be feeling an increased energy around pursuing your career or perhaps you have learned that your opinions matter just like everyone else’s. Be sure that this month, you give other people the opportunity to connect with you in a deep and meaningful way. This way, when you shine bright, other people can enjoy the view. 
Keywords: Brilliant, Sparkle, Livelihood