Pisces Season


We've come to the end of the line. That's all she wrote, so to speak.

Because we have come to Pisces season. The ruler of the twelfth house. It's the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac. It's the completion of the cycle but maybe it's really the beginning?

All the other characteristics have been already played out. Your competitive tendencies, your career moves, the energy of your home and the family, your ability to stay self confident and financially secure. All the stuff that relates to your ego and your intellect.

In Pisces season, you get to let this all go. You get to wonder, why was I worrying so?  What's it all about, Alfie?

If you are a Pisces, you have come here to let all that mind candy go and just be. You don't need or appreciate what's rational or practical, you instinctively know that we are all one, no matter what anyone else tells you.

And my guess is when you were little, dearest Pisces, you were able to feel many of the unseen energies in our world that the rest of your clan could not fathom or understand. You may have been placated by your parents or the authority figures in your life, you may have been told that you weren't acting "normal" or "practical." And it's true, you were acting like a "feeling" machine, not a "mental" machine. 

Pisces people are extremely sensitive, caring, creative, and fun. Because of all their sensitivity, it translates into the physical as well as the mental and spiritual. A Pisces person may find that they are very sensitive in their body. What comes to mind is the tendency toward allergies, rashes and stomach aches. Pisces rules the feet, so if you can get your hands on the feet of a Pisces person and massage them, this could make them purrrrrrr. Foot reflexology is healing for the Pisces personality type.

Pisces is a water sign so they have come here to learn how to flow with it. They have the ability to absorb the emotions of others and they make excellent friends as they make great listeners.

What they find challenging is being able to turn off all the emotions of the world in order to have time to process them and recharge their batteries. Because of this, they can use escapism behavior, be it alcohol or drugs, over-exercising, TV watching or eating chocolate, to name but a few ways for Pisces to distract themselves from the outside world.

Pisces are compassionate, idealistic, artistic, adaptable and their imagination can run like the wind. They are the gentle souls of this earth and if they don't get enough peace in their lives, they can become sad and fearful. They are the dreamers and they wear their hearts on their sleeves. 

One of their challenges is to stay focused on the projects that are near and dear to them. It's easy to daydream the day away and the next thing they know, the sun is setting and that "to do" list is still sitting there untouched.

The best advice I can give a Pisces person is this: Learn how to protect your energy field. It's easy for you to feel the stress and pain of others and you have come here to do this. But do it on your own terms. Protect your energy with meditation, crystals, visualization, herbal supplements or any other means that you can think up that will give you your life back whenever you deem it necessary.

Because if you don't take this step, life will have you do it through other means that probably won't be as good for your body, mind or spirit.

Please be careful with me. I’m sensitive and I’d like to stay that way
— Lyrics by Jewel