Aquarius Medicine

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Aquarius's have the blessing and the curse of being freedom loving and independent oriented. This is a great thing to aspire to and a challenge to pull off in this world of relationship connections and going with the flow of the collective consciousness. The problem is that when an Aquarius is living free and easy, away from the crowds, they can get emotionally farther and farther away from their loved ones. There’s a tug of war going on in any great Aquarius; I want to fit in, I don’t want to fit in, I want to fit it, repeat.

Aquarius is the sign of the unique one, the teacher, the contemplator, the rebel, the truth-teller and the weirdo. They work hard to spread their message, whatever it may be.

When an Aquarius lives their highest self, they are able to belong in their group without letting it rule their lives. They have the ability to use their intuition for a higher purpose of helping their fellow man. They will rock the boat on any cultural belief that does not stand up to the test of their truth and will push back at anything that is not forward thinking and dynamic.

When a Aquarius lives their lowest self, they may be distracted and distant. They may act aloof, uncompromising and will lack emotional expression. It’s not that the Aquarius does not love you, it’s that they struggle to say it. If you love an Aquarius, like I have for well over 30 years, you learn to read the other clues of their fondness for you. Because you will probably not hear it in the words that they say.

Aquarius is a mental “air” sign, meaning that they have a tendency to overthink an issue, instead of tuning into what the issue feels like to them. They view life through the lens of the intellectual, they expect everyone to play fair and they make excellent counsellors. Aquarius, on a good day, is eccentric and humanitarian.

Whatever an Aquarius can do to relax their mind and let go of thinking and re-thinking, is the appropriate "medicine.”

The areas of the body most associated with Aquarius are the calves and ankles of the legs and the oxygenation of the body. Arthritis or hardening of the arteries may also be a trait of Aquarius. Aquarius can be affected by heart or circulation issues as well as certain nerve disorders and restless sleep. Also, eye problems can arise with a sluggish eliminative organ, such as the colon, kidney or skin.

Deep breathing exercises as well as aerobic exercise helps the Aquarius to keep his circulation strong as well as relaxing his mind. Magnesium may be a potent remedy for relaxing the circulatory system as well as the brain.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is all about rebellion and sudden change and does not do well with boredom. Saturn is disciplined and determined and is inspired to do hard work.

You can find Aquarius’s ruminating about how this or that wasn’t fair and they will go the extra mile to help a friend in need, just as long as that friend is not acting too needy or clingy.

Because Aquarius’s sentence is “I rebel”, any healing medicine plan should include the opportunity to heal in a most unusual way. They are not going to listen to the authorities who bully or require them to act a certain way. They are the perfect people to get a second, third or fourth opinion, then abandoning all opinions for the one that they thought up on their own. So offering them the most far-out healing modality is right up their alley.

It can be extremely challenging for a weakened Aquarius to compromise their belief systems or follow the rules. So when in doubt, don’t expect them to.

Off the top of my head, Relax-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Aquarius Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes deep relaxation as well as mental clarity and overall mental wellness. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that allows the Aquarian to tune into their body is appropriate and needed. Also, Aquarius could benefit from a kidney blend tea as well as B Vitamins for adrenal support and daily stress.

Aquarius cures include relieving mental frustration and resentment by going on their own unique path. To follow that path no matter what family, friends or authority figures think or say to sway them elsewhere. The Tapping Solution might be the perfect medicine to try. It’s forward thinking, relaxing to the nervous system and an unusual concept. Check it out here.

A healthy Aquarius values their rebel attitude and believes that what they have to offer the world is inventive and ingenious. Aquarius benefits greatly from doing anything that pushes the envelope and steps outside the box.

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude
— Oprah Winfrey

Famous Aquarius, Bob Marley!