January, 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:



This month finds you capable with a capital C, dearest Aries. Capable in your career moves, in your mission in life and in front of the crowd. Yes you can get all your items checked off the list; just make sure you schedule in some down time for any unforeseen challenges otherwise you may find that you are being too hard on yourself. 
Keywords: purpose, lifework, limelight


Isn’t it about time to have a little hope, dearest Taurus? Investigate what it will take to trust in the process, be it your government, your family or in nature. Perhaps you want to give yourself a news fast or invest in a creative endeavor that helps you to focus on the here and now. You’ve lost a bit of your optimism and it’s time to take it back. 
Keywords: rosiness, faith, desire


Your friends or family members are asking for your advice, dearest Gemini. But the opinions that they seek need to be wrapped up in a pretty package of the truth, as you know it. It’s not enough to give a superficial answer; diving deep into the abyss of meaning is where it’s at this month.  Keywords: input, guidance, relief


It seems like this is the time for you to put your feelings aside, dearest Cancer. Striving for excellence requires you to let go and press on. It’s not enough to have feelings about it. This month wants you to be decisive and bold. Go where you have never gone before, with courage.  Keywords: tenacity, self-confidence, drive


This month, dearest Leo, finds you striving for health. This is not to say that you are unhealthy, only that you may be taking stock on how the holiday cheer has affected you. Were you moderate or excessive with food and drink? You may want to eat light this month and go out and get some exercise. Let your light shine through you and within you. 
Keywords: wellbeing, fitness, robust


You have been all things to all people, dearest Virgo and now it’s time to play. I know that this is actually hard advice to follow as you want to be productive and useful whenever possible. What about melting them together? Volunteer at your local recreation facility and coach soccer. Take a class in glass blowing or learn a sport that you have never given yourself permission to attempt. Whatever you decide to do, be sure that it brings you laughter and joy. 
Keywords: entertainment, pastime, hobby


Hunker down, dearest Libra. You are in regeneration mode and it’s best to act accordingly. You may want to say no to socializing for a bit in order to spend more time with yourself or your family. There’s a fair amount to do at home in the company of you. Maybe this sounds a bit boring to you? It won’t last forever and it’s important to take this time to reconnect with self and family. All others take second place. 
Keywords: household, down-home, at-rest


You are in information gathering mode, dearest Scorpio. What is it that you have been contemplating learning? This month holds the key to researching the passions that interest you. Many balls may be flying through the air all at once so it is your job to prioritize which ones are the most important to attain and which you can release and let go of. 
Keywords: focal point, nerve center, data


Who are you, dearest Sagittarius and what it is that you want? It’s time to get grounded in your body in order to continue the process of choosing passion over mediocrity. What may be bubbling to the surface are money questions; how do you manage to feel safe in a volatile environment? What steps can you take to feel secure? The answers to these questions lie in discovering what brings you joy, fulfillment and satisfaction. 
Keywords: fruition, festivity, wonder


Surprises may be arising in your family life this month, dearest Capricorn. It’s time that you look at what pleases you and what you typically do to please others. Do they match up with each other? Your season is happening right now so it’s challenging to give to others with nothing gained in return. Time to give yourself a smidgen of selfishness, allowing you to make decisions in your own best interest. 
Keywords: devotion, warmth, boldness


You are in the middle of a spiritual awakening, dearest Aquarius. You are receiving messages in the form of unseen energies; you just have to get quiet enough to hear their call. Don’t go off the deep end with this knowledge; instead stay grounded and use this time to consider practical matters even if the messages you are receiving come from unpractical sources. 
Keywords: dedication, fortitude, heart


It’s time to get clear on your goals, dearest Pisces. What is your 5-year plan and how are you going to implement it? You have arrived at the harvest of your life; whatever is currently happening was planted months ago. Is it bearing sweet or immature fruit? Stay focused on what you want to accomplish in the future, and then plant those seeds. 
Keywords: intention, target, mission