Capricorn Medicine


Capricorn’s have the blessing and the curse of being persistent, mature and serious. Their personality traits are strong-willed, unemotional and hard working. They suffer no fools, expecting others to be as motivated and determined as they are.

The problem with this is that there is no room for error. A Capricorn will have a long list of things to do and will get down on themselves if they do not complete their mission.

They have a responsibility gene that never gives up, no matter what. They have such high standards set for themselves, that any surprises that come their way are not easily added into their lives, as they are already too busy.

Capricorn is an earth sign, showing practicality, steadfastness and a determined spirit. They are here to role model grounded-ness and the fact that you can count on them, through thick and thin.

When a Capricorn lives their highest self, they are the archetype of the prime minister, the expert, the politician and the banker. They are here to learn how to role model wisdom and become the most mature one in the room. They are conservative by nature and will not easily go with the flow.

When a Capricorn lives their lowest self, they attempt to control what’s happening around them. And this holds true for the people that surround them. They may struggle with the need for their loved ones to think, do and say whatever it is that the Capricorn expects from them, not allowing autonomy of individual needs to win out from the need to control self and others.

Capricorn’s need to understand that life is not about micromanaging self and others. Capricorn’s would be good to learn that spontaneity can be surprising and freeing and perhaps even greater than they ever imagined.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn gives us the energy of limitation, responsibility and restriction. Saturn is the planet that will help you write that great novel, knowing that you need the self discipline and persistence to stay focused on the future prize.

Common problems that Capricorn’s experience are related to bones, knees and joints and they can be susceptible to arthritis, stiff joints, orthopedic problems and teeth problems.

Capricorn is symbolized by the Seagoat. The top half of Capricorn, the goat, can hang out on ledges of rock, never floundering and is able to make forward progress in spite of the terrain. The lower half of Capricorn, the fish tail, is satisfied with whatever is in the deep blue ocean. This combo gives Capricorn hard-working ability with creativity and sensitivity.

Whatever Capricorn’s can do to alleviate bone problems is the appropriate medicine. Rolfing and Hellerwork may be very beneficial to alleviate connective tissue imbalances between the bones and other tissues. Moderate exercise, stretching, pilates, or any other technique that increases circulation to the joint capsules is relevant to the Capricorn personality type.

Because Capricorn’s sentence is “I am ambitious”, any healing medicine plan should include techniques that give the Capricorn the ability to take a much needed break. Mindfulness practice, meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, cranial sacral therapy or any other modality that promotes relaxation of the mind and body is appropriate for continued healing.

It can be challenging for a weakened Capricorn who seeks to do hard work in excessive amounts, to let some things fall by the wayside and put less things on their list. This can leave them trying to control others in order to help them complete their long agendas.

Off the top of my head, Flexible Choice, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Capricorn Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes flexibility of joints, muscles and other tissues and is a powerful formula to increase flexibility throughout the body.

Capricorn cures include becoming an expert in their field of choice. Learning all there is to learn about their mission in life, then doing the work necessary to complete their mission.

A healthy Capricorn strives to do their best work while allowing themselves to have a bit of fun along the way. They are noted for their ambitiousness and they value financial security and economic abundance.

I think if you live in a black-and-white world, you’re gonna suffer a lot. I used to be like that. But I don’t believe that anymore
— Bradley Cooper