Sagittarius Medicine


Sagittarius’s have the blessing and the curse of an exceptionally big personality. A personality that is always up for the next great adventure, the next great learning opportunity.

The problem with this is that there is no experience worth avoiding; everything is a challenge worth meeting head on. We say “leap!” to a Sagittarius and they ask “how high?” We say “jump off that bridge” and they forget to make sure that there is enough water in the river.

Their enthusiasm for life is contagious but it can leave Sagittarius's feeling like they are not believed and valued, as our world tends to highlight the disasters and not the hope. The problem lies in the fact that Sagittarius is so optimistic, even when faced with the toughest challenge. Of course it’s fantastic to feel this way about life, but sometimes it would be great if they had a dollop of practicality; such as when it comes time to pay their taxes and the money was gambled for the next great win. OOPS.

Sagittarius is the sign that burns brightly. It burns for desire, success and belief. It has a magnetism that is huge, right up there with Leo’s. They are the daredevils, the scholars, the thrill seekers and the cross cultural lovers. Sagittarius is about “Santa Claus is coming to town, what do you want?”

When a Sagittarius lives their highest self, they are the adventurer, the expat, the professor and the traveler. They are here to learn how to stay optimistic and open minded in a world that does not value this. They are here to live 100 lives in one human body.

When a Sagittarius lives their lowest self, they are righteous, believing that everything that they think is correct, whether it is or not. Their tendency is to argue their point, swearing that it is true, only to be proved wrong later; unable to see, accept or apologize for their misdeeds.

Sagittarius’s need to learn how to forgive and forget, to speak up when they realize that they are mis-informed and continue to practice being humble.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system besides the Sun. Jupiter has a huge gravitational pull as do Sagittarius’s. Jupiter makes everything bigger, wanting to expand anything that it touches.

Common problems that Sagittarius experiences are hardening of the arteries, related blood issues such as blood pressure imbalances, liver concerns, cysts and growths, sciatica nerve pain and lung challenges.

Sagittarius is symbolized by the centaur, a half-human, half-horse creature. They are searching for wisdom, knowledge and truth and they do this through galloping to the next great adventure. So you can imagine that Sagittarius’s are easily bored and extremely restless. And those 4 legs need lots of rest.

Whatever Sagittarius’s can do to alleviate lower extremity problems is the appropriate medicine. Massage and deep bodywork, moderate exercise, stretching, pilates, or any other technique specific for sciatica and to balance the lower body with the upper body is valuable.

Because Sagittarius’s sentence is “I believe,” any healing medicine plan should include regenerating and rejuvenating the brain, mind and thoughts. Mindfulness practice, meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, cranial sacral therapy or any other modality that promotes relaxation of the mind is appropriate for continued healing.

It can be challenging for a weakened Sagittarius who seeks too much pleasure in excessive amounts of rich food and drink to curtail their appetites. This can lead to arthritis pain, especially in the upper legs and hips.

Off the top of my head, Renew-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Sagittarius Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes liver toning and balance and has Milk Thistle, a very powerful herb for liver regeneration.

Sagittarius cures include learning on their own without the constraints of a classroom environment. Traveling to see the Mona Lisa instead of reading about it in a book is what helps Sagittarius to feel inspired. Funny, because as a Sagittarius becomes mature, they will make excellent teachers, working in the environment that did not see them for who they were. But they will improve that environment, making it more inclusive for all learners.

A healthy Sagittarius gives you their honest opinion and tries to do this with diplomacy and tact, although sometimes it doesn’t come across as that. They will be humorous, witty and sharp. And in doing so, will leave the world better than they found it.

Success is a beast. And it actually puts the emphasis on the wrong thing. You get away with more instead of looking within
— Brad Pitt