November, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


This is the time to follow your intuition, dearest Aries and let this be your guide. No need to over-think issues now; just get quiet enough to heed the call that you feel deep in your soul. You are on your way to a fulfilling end if you allow yourself breathing room to grow. 
Keywords: Magic, Transformation, Creativity

The people that you deeply care about are peeking their heads around the corner in order to be recognized and honored, dearest Taurus. It is your job to meet them in the middle with a smile, a hot cup of tea or a listening ear. You don’t have to lose yourself in the process but just be willing to give them a helping hand to assist in grounding them. 
Keywords: Leadership, Advice, Teach

Much unplanned work may be coming to the forefront this month, dearest Gemini. It’s making itself known in what you may view as the last possible minute. My advice to you is plan for the surprise, for the unforeseen as best you can. Leave gaps in your schedule so you have somewhere for them to go. 
Keywords: Strive, Clever, Aptitude

Take a much-needed break, dearest Cancer, you deserve it. Go out to the movies, meet friends for dinner or go get a massage.  It’s important that you take good care of yourself at this time. Treat yourself like you frequently treat others; with respect, compassion and love. 
Keywords: Delight, Entertain, Charm

Where do you feel totally at home, dearest Leo? What do you love? Where do you belong? These questions are asking for answers this month and it’s your job to be honest and accountable to the truth.  Once you are, some challenging issues can fall by the wayside, allowing you more space for what you are passionate about. 
Keywords: Harmonize, Belong, Down home

This month, dearest Virgo, allow yourself to feel secure and safe. What does this look like? Perhaps pay off some debts, ask yourself hard questions around your finances or practice feeling confident in your life decisions. Lots of activity may be swirling around you but it’s important to stay grounded.  
Keywords: Determination, Fortitude, Spunk


What values do you strive to achieve, dearest Libra? How do you continue feeling self-confident in spite of the challenging times? Getting organized, especially around your finances, is the order of the month. When your money is in order, your emotions follow suit. Do whatever it takes to feel secure knowing that you can face any challenge with determination.
Keywords: Discipline, Inform, Prepare


Your natural instinct is to get to the deep truth in self and others, dearest Scorpio. But this month, my advice is to think of you first and foremost, asking yourself what is the truth for you. What’s important to you? What is best for you? What do you need to thrive? No one but you can know the answers to these questions, so whom should you put all your energy into? YOU. 
Keywords: Character, Integrity, Intent


You may be feeling a bit spaced out, dearest Sagittarius. Earth to Sagittarius, do you copy? Lots of activities could come your way and it may be challenging to keep it all together, mentally. You just want to daydream now. This too shall pass and it’s going to bring you to a place where you know exactly what you should do next. 
Keywords: Perceive, Visionary, Inspire


You are out and about for the entire world to see, dearest Capricorn. So make it count. Role model what changes you want to see the world embrace. You are on a path to receive a vision that is for your highest good. Daydream in order to hear your calling.  
Keywords: Determination, Gusto, Courage


Success is knocking on your door, dearest Aquarius. Are you going to answer it? You have the organization skills, the determination and the willpower to change your life, if need be. There may be sudden changes happening in your home life that can be perceived as positive or negative, it’s all how you look at it. See it for what it is, a new day, a new way! 
Keywords: Aspiration, Expectation, Charm

Your instincts are on fire, dearest Pisces. Believe that what you are feeling is probably what is so, and act accordingly. You can count on yourself to see the entire picture if you just tune into what’s happening in the room. You have a right to ask for what pleases you; this is not selfish, this is becoming your own advocate. Know that sticking up for yourself is actually a selfless act.  Keywords: Generous, Loving, Charitable