Scorpio Medicine


Scorpio’s have the blessing and the curse of intuitively feeling every little big and small thing in self and in others and trying to learn what to do about it.

The problem with this is that there is no easy way around knowing the deep dark secrets of your friends, family and acquaintances; do you choose to tell someone the truth as you know it only to have them become defensive? Or do you stuff down what you instinctually know to be correct only to hinder your own health?

This can leave Scorpio's feeling like they are never quite appreciated or heard. The problem lies in their presentation style which is typically intense and straight to the point. Whether that point has a stinger on the end of it or not is the question.

Scorpio is the sign that feels deeply, demands the truth so help you god and is not afraid of death or transformation. They are the king or queen of extraordinary power. They are the people you call who can handle the dark energies as well as the light.

When a Scorpio lives their highest self, they are the psychologist, the shaman, the detective and the hospice worker. They are here to learn the nuances of living in a world that frequently does not want to look at the naked truth. Scorpio’s need to practice when to react to their outside influences and when to keep it to themselves.

When a Scorpio lives their lowest self, they are overly secretive, unable to curb their impulses and come across as too prickly. Their tendency is to demand a level of deepness that others may not have the emotional tools to handle.

Scorpios need to learn how to value the simple things of life and not get caught up in chaos, drama and trauma.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars, the powerhouse planets of the zodiac. Pluto wants you to look deeply at your emotional wounds, and when you can handle it, heal them. Mars wants to instigate activity and progress through results, competition and stepping forward in life.

The areas of the body most associated with Scorpio are the prostate, genital organs, colon, bladder, thyroid gland, thymus gland and sweat glands.

Common problems that Scorpio experiences is constipation, hypothyroidism, back disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, and urinary infections and disorders.

Whatever Scorpio’s can do to alleviate constipation is the appropriate medicine. Increasing fiber in their diet, drinking plenty of filtered water and regularly exercising will help with this. Also it’s important to relax the Scorpio nervous system as their sensitivity to outside influences is great.

Because Scorpio’s sentence is “I psycho-analyze,” any healing medicine plan should include regenerating and rejuvenating the brain, mind and thoughts. Mindfulness practice, meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, cranial sacral therapy or any other modality that promotes relaxation of the mind is appropriate for continued healing. I would also suggest that when a Scorpio gives back to their community through volunteering to causes that they believe in, it promotes everlasting peace within. Stepping out of their heady thoughts and feelings by donating themselves to others is one of the best healing tools to use.

It can be challenging for a weakened Scorpio to practice diplomacy but this is something vitally important. A Scorpio has a lot of truth to package up and say and if they are doing this without diplomacy, no one will be listening. We need the legendary truth sayers of Scorpio to line us out and explain what they feel and see. If it is coming in a package of rudeness or bad manners, no one will hear it or want to, which could leave the Scorpio with depression or heaviness of heart.

Off the top of my head, Relax-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Scorpio Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes deep relaxation as well as mental clarity and overall mental wellness. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that increases the parasympathetic nervous system is appropriate and needed. Visceral massage to increase circulation in the abdominal area is also quite beneficial for Scorpios.

Scorpio cures include choosing jobs that may be challenging to others but are appropriate to them. Hospital and hospice workers, psychologists, shamans, or any field that gets the Scorpio out of their head and into their heart is the perfect fit. Being okay not saying everything on your mind without coming across as cagey, tight-lipped or undercover to your family and friends is important. Learning to let go of the fact that not everyone is at your mental or emotional frequency is vital to your overall wellness. An added bonus is to learn to be okay with that.

A healthy Scorpio reads the room to determine what the masses are ready to hear, what should be put on the back burner for now and how to do this with finesse and discretion. It’s radical honesty at its finest.

We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark
— Whoopi Goldberg