Libra Medicine


Libra's have the blessing and the curse of compromising their desires, belief’s and dreams in favor of the dreams of others. This is a great way to make friends and influence people but the problem is that once you get in the cycle of intentionally pleasing others, there isn’t enough time or space to please yourself. Then Libra’s may feel resentment and frustration that they frequently do not get their desires met or even listened to properly.

Libra is the sign of the negotiator and the graceful one. They work hard at helping everyone else to get along.

When a Libra lives their highest self, they are the artist, the diplomat and the networker.

They can see and feel the group dynamics and are typically very sociable.

When a Libra lives their lowest self, they are extremely indecisive. This is because they can see all sides of a situation, thus struggling to decide which is the best course of action.

Libra is a mental “air” sign, meaning that they have a tendency to overthink an issue, instead of tuning into what the issue feels like to them. They view life through the lens of the intellectual, they expect everyone to play fair and they make excellent counsellors. The environment in which they live is important to them as they need beautiful things surrounding them in order to bring them peace.

Beauty in all its forms is pleasing to Libra’s, be it flowers, books, music or a great cooked meal. They can be quite unhappy with any kind of dissension in their home or work life.

Libra loves peace and harmony and will bypass anything that causes confrontation when possible.

Whatever they can do to relax their mind and let go of thinking and re-thinking, is the appropriate "medicine."

The areas of the body most associated with Libra are the adrenal glands, kidneys, skin, the lumbar vertebrae and the ovaries. Adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia may be problematic as well as a tendency for back pain, kidney disease and edema.

There may be a tendency to crave sugar and this should be avoided whenever possible.

Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus rules relationships, compassion, attraction and attachment to others. Venus is sensual and romantic and in its shadow, it is the grand manipulator.

You can find Libra’s ruminating about not being invited to a certain party or asking themselves if they are well liked by their friends.

Because Libra’s sentence is “I balance”, any healing medicine plan should include the opportunity to rejuvenate and revitalize their self confidence and self worth, through weighing out the options, then making a plan and decision, and jumping.

It can be extremely challenging for a weakened Libra to make a clear-cut decision and stick with it. Because of this, Libra’s are doubting themselves at any given turn. It’s important for Libra to understand that not making a decision is a decision in itself. So better to not overthink it too much or interview too many people about what to do and just do it, then move on.

Off the top of my head, Relax-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Libra Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes deep relaxation as well as mental clarity and overall mental wellness. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that allows the Libra to tune into their body is appropriate and needed. Also, Libra could benefit from a kidney blend tea as well as B Vitamins for adrenal support and daily stress.

Libra cures include relieving mental frustration and resentment by choosing to understand what it is that you want and having the confidence to ask or demand that you be heard. To not sacrifice your needs for the needs of others. To chose yourself day after day after day.

A healthy Libra presses forward in life, helping others as well as helping self. Libra benefits greatly from doing anything that is creative and will initiate new ideas that bring about peace in body, mind and spirit.

When you’ve found another soul who see’s in to your own...take good care of each other... and remember to be kind
— Jackson Browne

Note: The health information of Libra Medicine, above, is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. This is given in the spirit of educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.