October, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


You are typically quite independent minded, dearest Aries. But not this month. The time has come when you need to learn how to play well with others. Friends and loved ones may ask for your assistance or you may find that the person who needs the most help is you. It’s not weak to ask others for what you need; in fact it may just be the ticket to freedom. 
Keywords: Diplomacy, Cooperation, Community-minded

I know this isn’t very exciting to say, dearest Taurus, but now is the time to get down to work. The list is getting longer and you should focus on it one at a time, to get everything done in order. You could benefit from a family member who wants to help you, or vice versa. Some truth telling may be in order and surprises are popping up all around you. Stay aware of every little thing, as they may be signs for your bright future.
Keywords: Service, Support, Guidance

As you go through this month, dearest Gemini, remember to practice discretion. The words you say right now, whether it is to others or to self, are charged with power. This is the time to be polite and practice finesse. You don’t want to get caught up in saying something that you can never take back. Be truthful, just do it with compassion. 
Keywords: Artfulness, Subtle, Forethought

It’s important that you choose situations that you desire, dearest Cancer. What is it that gets you up in the morning, raring to go? Believe that what you value in life takes precedence over what loved ones are trying to require of you. You are still loving to others when you role model love of self. This is your time to do and be what you want to do and be. Remember this.  Keywords: Recreation, Amusement, Bliss

Home is where the heart is, dearest Leo. And your heart is all around you. Allow yourself to feel your home in all the large and small ways; the changing leaves, the budding flowers, the old and new friendships and the ever-changing sky. You may find yourself nostalgic for the past, but honestly you should focus on the present moment, knowing that this is all there is. 
Keywords: Family, Sensitivity, At ease

You may be too hard on yourself right now, dearest Virgo. It’s okay to make mistakes or believe that you need to improve because this will give you a baseline to rise above. Many wonderful opportunities are coming down the gate so buckle up. You can have great self-confidence, lots of continued activities and be able to make a difference in the lives of others. Just start with the idea that lessons are learned through perseverance and determination, not perfection. 
Keywords: Courage, Tenacity, Spirit

Is there a part of you in a balancing act between what you wish to pursue and what your family wants for you, dearest Libra? It’s vital now to take the time to understand the direction that you wish to head. Please take the opportunity to appreciate the self-confidence that lives deep inside of you.  This is your season and it’s crucial that you know this and choose what is in your best interest, be it health, career or family dynamics. 
Keywords: Purpose, Passion, Practical

For lack of a better word, ghosts are in your forecast, dearest Scorpio. By this I mean, unseen forces, magic, dreams and visions are at your disposal now to use however you wish.  Would you value using your intuition to set you on a new and amazing journey that you did not ever see coming? Set an intention nightly to remember your dreams in the morning and see what signs you can decipher for your life. 
Keywords: Imagine, Design, Divination

You are out there, so to speak, dearest Sagittarius. What I mean is that whatever you are striving for, whatever you are manifesting, is sitting at hand for all to see. There’s no hiding away this month, you are loud and proud. You can utilize this to the best of your ability if you choose to only participate in what you actually believe in. No need to engage in anything that doesn’t make your heart sing with joy. Then you are role-modeling passion. 
Keywords: Savvy, Devotion, Eagerness

We all know that your tendency is to stay responsible at the helm, dearest Capricorn. But this month, I’m asking you to break out of that mold. In fact, break out of that helm. Go onward; find new and interesting places and people. Show us your organizational skills around learning a new language, finding that perfect Ethiopian restaurant or the latest deals on airline tickets. You are the master of your domain, just make it a different one, if only temporarily. 
Keywords: Sightsee, Navigate, Sail-away

Whatever you are going through right now, dearest Aquarius, is something that you are just now ready to heal. Maybe it’s a talk that you have been meaning to have with a loved one or maybe it is beyond time to shift careers in a really big way. In any case, get everything in order, do the necessary steps and follow the path into a bright future. 
Keywords: Active, Engaged, Occupied

Where do you find deep meaning in your life, dearest Pisces? This is your time to shine your light. Shine it out into your family, out to your friends and out to the world at large. This month, you are being called as a truth teller and someone whose intuition is soaring. How will you use this gift to make the world a better place to inhabit? 
Keywords: Vivid, Profound, Extraordinary