September, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


Get busy cleaning up the house because you are about to entertain guests and loved ones, dearest Aries.  Marriage and business partnerships might be taking precedence right now, so it’s important that you devote enough time to accommodate other people’s agenda as well as your own. Practice diplomacy and compromise in order to allow relationships to flow with ease. 
Keywords: Negotiations, Artfulness, Finesse

It’s going to take some skill this month, dearest Taurus, in order to do the deep work needed with loved ones. They require your attention but they are asking you to tell them the honest to god truth whether they know it or not and not just skim over it. Peace comes when you decide that it is easier to spill the beans then keep it all inside. And that means for yourself too. Look the truth in the eye and acknowledge it, then let it all go. 
Keywords: Candid, Forthright, Reliable

What is showing up for you this month, dearest Gemini, is career opportunities and fun times had by all. You have worked so hard to produce results and now it’s the time to celebrate your efforts. You have a unique perspective and passion for your mission. Enjoy what you have accomplished before pursuing your next course of action. 
Keywords: Delight, Satisfaction, Wonder

You may feel like crawling into your cocoon, dearest Cancer, and hibernating for a while. This is a temporary fix and when it passes, expect to wake up with some responsibility on your plate and how that relates to your family. Take a much-valued break in order to feel refreshed so you are ready when your loved ones need you. You can give them what they desire in order to feel fulfilled and happy and can walk away knowing you did everything you could. 
Keywords: Essence, Clan, Catch-a-wink

Busyness does not come close to explaining what is going on right now, dearest Leo. To say that you are multitasking does not even begin to describe it. If you want this time to be as productive as possible, make lists and follow them. Distraction could be the word of the month and you want to use this time to the best of your abilities. Write everything down then follow the list carefully so as not to make any mistakes. 
Keywords: Attentiveness, Concentration, Diligence

A new day is dawning, dearest Virgo, and it has your name all over it. Whatever it is that you want to devote your attention to, will be honored to have you. You have come to the part where the world is your oyster, so what do you want to see happen? Get super clear about this and you may see that down the way, it materializes perfectly. 
Keywords: Excitement, Devotion, Intensity

You are coming to the end of an era, dearest Libra. Whatever is showing up for you now is based on your former belief system. If your life is running smooth and you are fulfilled, then continue onward. If there are aspects that are challenging you because they are not based on your core values, then see them for what they are; not in your highest good. What you do next will start you in a new direction so make sure you are traveling to where you want to be. 
Keywords: Low-key, Intention, Harmonious

You have a yearning for “getting it right”, dearest Scorpio. It has become crystal clear that what you have been pursuing is coming to fruition. Many people and many experiences have led you here. Are you in situations that utilize your expertise and give you renewed confidence in your great abilities? Follow what you love to learn, speak about it and do it. Your future is in your hands. 
Keywords: Desire, Passion, Dream

Your creative juices are worth pursuing now, dearest Sagittarius. Decide to go back to school or take a class and see how you can integrate this into your daily life. You are starting to feel like yourself again; inspired, optimistic and successful. Give yourself time to research your next move and remember to look before you leap. See the vision for your future life. 
Keywords: Enroll, Master, Grasp

There are some intense situations that require your attention, dearest Capricorn. What is percolating to the surface needs you to be totally honest with yourself and others. It may be time to research a new way to learn a new skill. Take what you know to be true and project this onto your future. Is it still true? If not, find a way to answer this in the affirmative. 
Keywords: Powerful, Profound, Strong

There are times to be the life of the party, dearest Aquarius, and this is one of them. An influential person may come into your life this month with a proposition or plan. It’s important that you are ready, willing and able if the plan meets or exceeds your expectations. A lot of balls are in the air all at once and many experiences may be coming your way. Concentrate on prioritizing what’s most important. 
Keywords: Networking, Psychological, Diplomacy

There’s a balancing act going on this month, dearest Pisces. And you have landed right in the middle of it. Will you feel dreamy and creative and passionate or will you be social and engaging and find yourself compromising your time and energy to others? Fortunately you can do all of this expertly as long as you stay aware of what presents itself on your horizon. 
Keywords: Family, Self, Focus