Virgo Medicine


Virgo's have the blessing and the curse of trying their hardest to perfect perfectionism. The problem is that there is no such thing as true perfection, so this can leave Virgo's feeling like they are never quite good enough and neither is the world that they are living in.

Virgo is the sign that works hard, analyzes data, does not easily express their feelings and wants to be of service to others.

When a Virgo lives their highest self, they are the mentor, the craftsperson and the helper. They can see the realistic view, get the job done in a timely manner and strive for making the most of what they've got to work with. Their attention to detail is legendary.

When a Virgo lives their lowest self, they are the worry-wort, the nit-picker and the critic. Virgo's can be the butt of jokes because they expect too much from themselves as well as others.

Virgo's are described as the Virgin, the person who has the ability to make things pure. Virgo's are the industrious planner, the organizer. Virgo's are modest, patient and humble. 

Whatever they can do to relax a little and let go of their long list of things to accomplish, is the appropriate "medicine."

The areas of the body most associated with Virgo, are the intestinal tract, parasympathetic nervous system, solar plexus, kidneys, stomach and abdomen.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Mercury rules communication of all types. Mercury is about ideas, information gathering and curiosity. Mercury analyzes, sorts through and tries to make sense of things. The Mercury personality type is inquisitive and can be nervous as well as high strung and overly technical. 

Virgo's are constantly ruminating about how to make things better, what can I do to improve and grow and what am I missing in this scenario? They are witty and lively in their thinking.

Because Virgo's sentence is "I analyze," any healing medicine plan should include the opportunity to rejuvenate and revitalize the nervous system including the mind and body.

Virgo complaints are conditions such as respiratory and digestive disorders, hay fever, asthma, allergies, Crone's Disease, appendicitis, parasites, constipation, indigestion, lack of mental clarity, to name a few.

It can be extremely challenging for a weakened Virgo to let go of having to be perfect. It becomes worrisome for them and can lead to playing the blame game. When this happens, it's important for the Virgo to let go and accept that nothing is perfect and everything is in flux and flow. To understand that even though you may not see perfection, what may happen far outweighs anything that you could have possibly imagined.

Off the top of my head, Relax-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Virgo Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes deep relaxation as well as mental clarity and overall mental wellness. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that allows the Virgo to tune into their body is appropriate and needed.

Virgo cures include choosing jobs that serve others while allowing everyone to be who they are, not who the Virgo thinks that they should be. Accepting self and others for all our messy flaws is exactly what a Virgo should strive for. Letting go of some of their mental frustration by getting outside to enjoy what nature has to offer is also quite appropriate.

A healthy Virgo presses forward in life with intention and purpose, striving to complete their projects efficiently and also allows themselves time to enjoy the beauty of life!

Perfect is boring. Human is beautiful.
— Tyra Banks

Note: The health information of Leo Medicine, above, is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. This is given in the spirit of educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.