Leo Medicine


Leo''s have the blessing and the curse of becoming the entertainment at any dinner party they may be attending. They burn so bright that they risk never being recognized for who they really are. Just like none of us can look directly at the Sun, Leo's are shining bright but are not deeply seen. All this Leo energy that is directed outwardly, can be exhausting for them to maintain. 

Leo is the sign that freely expresses itself, perhaps through music or art or playfulness. Leo's can be very sensitive beings, even though most people do not witness this.

When a Leo lives their highest self, they are the clown, the performer and the dignified King or Queen. There is a gravitational pull around Leo; put them in a room full of people, and they will soon be the center of attention.

When a Leo lives their lowest self, they are hypersensitive, egotistical and/or overbearing. They believe that the world revolves around them. When things are going right, the Leo believes it's because of them. When things are going badly, they feel it's all their fault. 

Leo's are described as the majestic lion, the king or queen of their land. The leaders, the authority, the ones in charge. The ones always "on." 

Whatever they can do to go inward, take time to be alone, in order to rejuvenate themselves, is the appropriate "medicine."

The areas of the body most associated with Leo's are the heart, blood vessels, back, spine, spinal cord and thymus gland. 

Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is our personality, the "I am" of us all. It is how we shine out into the world. Or how we are supposed to learn to. It is what we have come here to do in order to feel sane. It is the center of our particular Universe and what we bring to share with the rest of the world.

Because Leo's sentence is "I create," any healing medicine plan should include the opportunity to create something out of nothing, be it artistic endeavors or sitting quietly solving a puzzle. Sometimes the best medicine for a Leo is an art project where they will stay focused in the here and now, not fretting about what's happening outside of them.

Leo complaints are conditions such as heartburn, migraines, high or low blood pressure, inflammation, back spasms and pain and high fevers, to name a few.

A weakened Leo will attract circulatory disorders, as well as weight problems and nervous tension.  It can be extremely challenging for a weakened Leo to feel that they have failed in some way. When this happens, it's important for the Leo to rebuild their confidence, knowing that all challenges are for us to learn valuable lessons to utilize in the future. Leo's can easily burn themselves out as they are a fire sign. This can lead to feelings of impatience or anger issues.

Off the top of my head, Hawthorn Berry herb comes to mind for Leo Medicine. It is a tonic for the heart and circulatory system and it is used to treat both high blood pressure and low blood pressure. Garlic is another potent herb for Leo Medicine. Garlic contains compounds with medicinal properties. It has the potential to reduce high blood pressure as well as the ability to balance cholesterol levels. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that allows the Leo to tune into their body is appropriate and needed often.

Leo cures include making decisions that benefit their emotional health. A life of always being "on" for everyone, can leave a Leo feeling isolated, as if they have never been truly known. Leo's require a fair amount of downtime, where they do not have to dress up and go out, can walk in nature, get some sun on their faces, fresh air and recharge their vitality.

Toning the organs of circulation through activity and exercise is important. Keeping their lymphatic system flushing and revitalized is essential for all, but especially for a Leo. Magnesium may be a key mineral for the Leo to maintain the fluidity of the blood.

A healthy Leo is social, self-confident and courageous. Their sunny personality is allowed to shine. They can be intuitive when they are perceiving their world. Let the Leo lion shine!

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes
— Carl Jung

Note: The health information of Leo Medicine, above, is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. This is given in the spirit of educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.