Cancer Medicine

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Cancer's have the blessing and challenge of healing others through nourishment and their compassionate hearts. They are the great mother archetype and they say: "Let me envelope you in my arms and everything will be alright." Be it a male or female, Cancer is the sign that feels every little thing and it needs to hide inside its shell for protection from outside influences and too much stimulation. 

When a Cancer lives their highest self, they are the epitome of the turtle or the crab; the meat is very tender inside, so a protective shell is needed in order to live in this world. Cancer's generally show much patience, compassion, nurturing and generosity.  They are the giver's in life without regard to their own needs but they are seldom the receivers. Giving is second nature. Receiving feels burdensome to them, as they don't want to put anyone out.

When a Cancer lives their lowest self, they are hypersensitive, over-bearing, reclusive and over-protective. Do you see a pattern here? They can turn mild concern into extreme worry and turn a sensitive nature into an over-bearing personality. One minute they are taking care of loved ones in a balanced way and the next moment, they are co-dependent in a chaotic life.  

Cancer's are sometimes described as the lone wolf, holed up in their cave, recovering from the challenges faced out on the prairie. They can be the momma bear, majestic, nurturing and magnificent. Just do not get between them and their cubs, or you are going to get mauled.  

Because they are so sensitive, whatever they can do to relax their stomach and other organs damaged by too much stress such as the digestive system, is the appropriate "medicine."

The areas of the body most associated with Cancer are the stomach, digestive tract, the breasts, diaphragm, lower ribs, womb, eyes, pancreas and pituitary gland.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Moon affects the tides, our emotions and our feelings. The Moon is not rational, it's reflective and it is all about our heart and soul. It's reflective and mystical. It helps regulate our body rhythms and our menstrural cycles. It relates to water retention, hormone balance, mucous formation and female disorders. 

Because Cancer's sentence is "I feel," any healing medicine plan should include de-stressing and rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit.

Cancer complaints are conditions such as a chronic upset stomach, problems with indigestion, headaches behind the eyes and craving sugar, to name a few.

A weakened Cancer will attract digestive spasms, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and endometriosis conditions. It can be challenging for a weakened Cancer to digest painful and uncomfortable situations in their life, be it with self or especially with others. Their constitution wants to give comfort to loved ones and if they can't do this for whatever reason, it can leave them feeling moody and irritable. Cancer's may be prone to anxiety as well.

Off the top of my head, Peppermint tea comes to mind for Cancer Medicine. This herb is powerful, yet soothing for adults and children alike, relieving stress in the stomach, due to poor eating choices or emotional baggage. Digestive enzymes taken with meals may be an important component to daily living for the Cancer personality type.  Dong Quai is another powerful herb for Cancer Medicine, as it may help with painful menstruration and balance the reproductive system. Vitamin B-Complex should be considered as well, as it promotes wellness of the nervous system and helps decrease overall stress. 

Cancer cures include having positive life experiences with family and close friends. A life caring for others, a life of home and the family, a life of quiet solitude and breaking bread together. A life of being outdoors in nature, in order to feel at peace with the Universe. Toning the organs of digestion and learning to emotionally digest challenging times with ease, should be a Cancer priority. Becoming a healer to allow healing to take place within. 

A healthy Cancer is half social, half reflective. Staying home to read a good book and take a bath is appropriate one night while meeting friends for dinner is appropriate the next night. Learning to balance what your family wants from you with what is ultimately good for you is the balancing act you need to stay in tune with. You are a highly intuitive soul and you should not let yourself bury feelings of resentment, anger or pain, as these could trigger challenges in your health later on.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud
— Maya Angelou