Pisces Medicine


Pisces’s have the blessing and the curse of highly tuned sensitivities and intuition. This can cause great rewards when they follow their hunch even though there was no physical signs showing the way.

But the problem with this level of sensitivity is that it is really hard to turn it off and tune it out when you need a reprieve.

This can leave Pisces's feeling like they are constantly being bombarded with other people’s energy, be it perceived as positive or negative.

Pisces is the sign of the mystic and the dreamer. They have high levels of psychic abilities and fine tuned internal radar systems.

When a Pisces lives their highest self, they are the intuitive, the artist, the visionary, the dancer and the sage. They are here to learn how to live in our world of constant human onslaught without loosing their way.

When a Pisces lives their lowest self, they are overly sensitive, the alcoholic or drug addict, the constant daydreamer or the lunatic. Pisces will always feel energies that the rest of us can’t see. It becomes super important, for the Pisces person to tune out those energies through a positive means.

Pisces’s needs to learn how to value the focus of life and be able to thrive even when they are doing their taxes!

Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune in the zodiac. Jupiter expands to make everything bigger and hopefully better while Neptune keeps us in tune with music and artistic endeavors. Jupiter is like Santa Claus is coming to town, what do you desire? Neptune talks to the Universe and downloads visionary truths.

The areas of the body most associated with Pisces are the feet and the respiratory and circulatory systems. Sometimes the change of seasons has a challenging affect on Pisces. Their sensitivity can also lead to allergies to foods, pollutants and pollen. Anxiety also plays a part in the Pisces medicine. Being intuitive and perceptive can leave the Pisces person to worry and fret about the future, as they have a tendency to feel like they are already in the future. This can lead to disconnecting from the world because it’s so difficult to stay present through trying times.

Common problems that Pisces’s experience is gout, bunions and bone spurs that cause foot pain. Plantar Fasciitis could also be a problem to them. Sinus congestion, Raynaud’s disease, forgetfulness and insomnia can also be challenges.

Whatever Pisces’s can do to stay focused and protect their energy field is the appropriate medicine. Since Pisces is a water sign, it’s important to be drinking pure water to help flush toxins. Coconut water may be good to balance the electrolytes in the blood stream and Valerian Root may help to relax their nervous system disorders.

Because Pisces’s sentence is “I feel,” any healing medicine plan should include regenerating and rejuvenating the brain, mind and thoughts. Mindfulness practice, meditation, hypnotherapy, biofeedback, cranial sacral therapy or any other modality that promotes relaxation of the mind is appropriate for continued healing. I would also suggest that when a Pisces embraces activities that bring them creativity and joy, it promotes everlasting peace within.

It can be challenging for a weakened Pisces to stay in the present moment. The tendency will be to escape, be it in body, mind or spirit. Pisces can become the addict, whether this is with chocolate, work, partying or drugs and alcohol. A weakened Pisces will use any behavior in order to turn off the feelings faucet.

Off the top of my head, Relax-U, formulated at The Herbalist, comes to mind for Pisces Medicine. It is an herbal formula that promotes deep relaxation as well as mental clarity and overall mental wellness. For nervous tension, massage or any form of bodywork that increases the parasympathetic nervous system is appropriate and needed. Visceral Massage to increase circulation in the abdominal area is also quite beneficial for Pisces as well as the herb Kava, to decrease anxious thoughts.

Pisces cures include getting enough alone time in nature in order to stay creative. Climb that mountaintop to check out the view. Discover the perfect snorkeling spot. Make the next greatest quilting project. Choose activities that promote your fine-tuned senses.

People say I’m the Beatle who changed the most, but to me, that’s what life’s about.
— George Harrison