March, 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:



It’s time to process the last year, dearest Aries. What were the highlights of your experiences and what were the lessons? Evaluate what is worth keeping and what you can discard, making room for the next great chapter. It’s all up to you; what do you value and what do you not need any longer?
Keywords: Intuition, Restore, Create


Surprises are in store for you, this month dearest Taurus. There are issues in the background that are just below the surface and perhaps challenging to identify. Stay aware and read between the lines. 
Keywords: Innuendo, Endeavor, Secret Santa


What’s been happening in the world of your goals and aspirations, dearest Gemini? Have you been meeting your needs or only the needs of others? Your community or organization may be on your mind and they need your encouragement to thrive. Just remember to leave yourself with enough extra energy so you don’t experience burnout. 
Keywords: Aspiration, Desire, Enthusiasm


Your mission is showing up front and center, dearest Cancer. Maybe this is your career or maybe not. In any case, whatever you attempt to do will be seen by others so make sure that you are role modeling what you would like the world to see, because they are watching whether you want them to or not. 
Keywords: Boldness, Bravery, Grit


Travel may be in your future this month, dearest Leo. Or at the very least, varied cultures are presenting themselves to you. Find that new fantastic Thai restaurant, start a class to learn another language, go to a salsa dancing class or use your passport and take off to the exotic world at large. Whatever you do, do it with gusto. 
Keywords: Exhilaration, Passion, Zest


What’s love got to do with it all this month, dearest Virgo? Plenty, it would seem. Loved ones and the relationships you have with them are taking up a fair amount of your time. It’s good to keep the communication train open and flexible and the time you put in now will pay you in spades down the road. Partner up! 
Keywords: Devotion, Respect, Attend


Put your head down and do the work necessary to succeed this month, dearest Libra. Pay the bills, call that friend, be the one who sees the clear path and does what’s necessary to travel the way to your desires. But first, you must get your house in order to feel ready for the next great journey into your bright future. 
Keywords: Competence, Endeavor, Plan


Delight is the spice of life this month, dearest Scorpio. Shine a light on your passion, your purpose and your creative juices. There may be an inventive surprise around the corner, especially within your family dynamics. Pay attention to whatever presents itself to you and act accordingly. 
Keywords: Revelation, Wonder, Joy


Information gathering is where it’s at for you this month, dearest Sagittarius. And the question is, what is it that you truly want and need? It’s all there for the taking if you can just determine what is your purpose. Many ideas and opinions may be running toward you. You just need to prioritize the most important to the least important, and then proceed. 
Keywords: Guidance, Lesson, News


Get your house of money in order now, dearest Capricorn.  Because when you know what is going on in your finances, you will have the freedom to explore what is going on in the rest of your life as well. Building self-confidence in this field will allow you to flourish everywhere else. 
Keywords: Courage, Determination, Poise


Your passion and self worth are the flavor of this month, dearest Aquarius. It’s time to show us how you shine and what are the reasons for your devotion. We all know that you are leader in the world of authentic thinking. Show us the next great invention that you’ve dreamed up or continue working on it until you are ready to present it to the world. 
Keywords: Dedication, Intensity, Spirit


We’ve reached the time for you to shine, dearest Pisces. The world is groovin’ on creativity and visions during your time of the year. The days are getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere and everything is about to sprout. Feel this energy of new moons and allow yourself to just be. Because role modeling this to the rest of us is a valuable learning experience.  
Keywords: Visionary, Original, Gifted