May, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

Stay as grounded this month as possible, dearest Aries. The resources that are at your disposal need some tender loving care in order to thrive. This may be your family members, your houseplants or perhaps your financial investments. Whatever it is, give them the attention that they now require in order to bring you some much-needed peace. 
Keywords: Determination, Stability, Drive

Springtime, dearest Taurus, can bring you the feeling of pure heaven. Buds are sprouting toward the Sun and the green healing colors of nature are vibrating in every one of your cells. You can feel your true self shining bright. What’s on the horizon though, is the balancing act you are doing between freedom and responsibility. Between doing your own thing and consistently checking in with loved ones. You can do this dance perfectly by not stressing too much about it and just letting it flow. 
Keywords: Focus, Compassion, Surprises

You have stepped back, just a bit, dearest Gemini. If you are reflecting on the past year and what it has meant to you, then you are right on schedule.  I’m asking you to slow down your information train in your mind, in order to be the best advocate for yourself. You have plenty of time to rejuvenate yourself through rest as well as attain your next great goals. Just know that you can rest and work and feel vibrant doing so. 
Keywords: Grace, Renewal, Vitality

Feel free to take some time for yourself this month, dearest Cancer. You have a lot on your mind right now and it would be good for you to reflect and start to re-evaluate your life choices. Later in the month, you may have the answers that you have been seeking. Until then, be happy to take a break from all that decision-making and let it all play out perfectly. 
Keywords: Resonate, Ponder, Contemplate

Big things are in store for you, dearest Leo. You’ve come to the end of the line and now it’s time to reinvent yourself. This could feel a little bit confusing at first but opportunities are heading your way. Be open to receiving the messages that may be wrapped in ways unexpected. It’s perfectly fine to feel perplexed at this time. The clouds will part and it will all be made known very soon. 
Keywords: Intent, Desire, Dream

Your career is hanging out front and center and it may require a fair bit of your attention this month, dearest Virgo. Is it everything you want it to be? You have an opportunity to slow down enough to see how it is serving you and what steps to take if it is not. Ask yourself: what is my mission in life? Then follow that. 
Keywords: Livelihood, Vocation, Purpose

You are in store for some much needed travel, dearest Libra. Or at the very least, you may be learning about new cultures through restaurant discoveries or by meeting a new friend who is “foreign.” Many thoughts and ideas may be swirling around in your head so try to keep them as rational and attainable as possible. That way, you may see results from your creative endeavors. Keywords: Navigate, Apprentice, Long-view

It might be time for you, dearest Scorpio to reflect on the many relationships in your life.  Evaluate the mistakes that you have made and what steps you took in order to make them better. Dig deep in order to see the truth of the matter and practice forgiving self and others when needed. After you do this, you can look forward to added energy, vitality and delight. 
Keywords: Kindred-spirits, Compassion, Commitment

There are duties that you need to check off your list now, dearest Sagittarius, so you will free up some time to spend with loved ones. If you don’t do this first, you will never be able to focus on friends and family completely. There are lots of things to do and think and say and this is your time to be honest beyond a shadow of a doubt. Surprises may be in store for you in the upcoming weeks. Stay open to unique possibilities. 
Keywords: Obligation, Milestone, Mission

You have found yourself “minding the store” for sometime now and have earned a much-needed vacation from the responsibilities of living, dearest Capricorn. It’s time to get creative and inventive and do the things that please you. Take a break from all the various activities out there and focus on the pleasures that bring you back to hope and faith in mankind. Try out a new Mindfulness class or discover a dance class that keeps you motivated and light-hearted. 
Keywords: Relish, Savor, Adore

You have been building up an abundance of courage lately, dearest Aquarius. There are so many issues that want your undivided attention so it’s important that you prioritize what to do next. You can handle all the energy coming your way as long as you don’t melt into a puddle of being perpetually overwhelmed. Otherwise this can lead to feeling unfocused and despondent, not your best self. 
Keywords: Analytical, Inquiring, Conquer  

You may want to take a solid look at your finances and how they are affecting your self-confidence at this time, dearest Pisces. Besides researching and analyzing issues, make sure that you give yourself enough quiet time to contemplate your next act. Many people and experiences are coming your way now. Just remember to stay focused on what you want to see happen in your life so it will become crystal clear, without you forcing it. 
Keywords: Courage, Fortitude, Wealth of knowledge