Taurus Season


I am laughing hysterically right now as I write this version of Taurus Season. You would think that I could just "whip this out", since it is obvious to anyone who knows me and knows anything at all about astrology, that I am a Taurus through and through. But I just sat here for a longest time wondering what I could say about Taurus. Hello?????

I guess I should follow my own advice about "to thy own self be true." Or at least be able to see myself for what I am. In any case, onward....

Taurus has been plagued with the archetype of "the bull." And I do mean plagued. This is a misconception. The bull might be characterized as an animal that is going to ram you up against the fence, just for fun. And is going to chase a red cape only to get killed in the end. But I would argue, that Taurus should be portrayed as the garden fairy, the wood nymph or your favorite flower, plant, mountain, tree or animal. At our core, Taurus is about nature. Sure there are many Taurus's that live in the city. But they do so by having a cat to pet, a dog to walk, a terrace of flowers or a view of the river. 

Taurus is about the simple things in life. The things that bring us all peace. Good food, good wine, soft blankets, fresh air, solid friendships, kind words. It's not a coincidence that right before my 2 knee replacements in the summer and fall of 2016, I brought home a new fuzzy fleece blanket from my favorite Cordova, Alaska store, Copper River Fleece. It was my way, the Taurus way, of getting myself prepared for laying around in bed with ice to heal.

When you love a Taurus and they love you, you can expect to have a steady, loyal and practical relationship. Or at least, this is what the Taurus person has come here to learn. Why would they come here to learn this? More than likely, in their childhood or perhaps beyond, there was too much chaos and confusion. Enough that it required the Taurus to stay true to themselves, stay living in peace, in spite of what was happening around them. If I speak from experience, I would say that I was born into a family of origin that was loving, but lacked some stability. Sure, I don't come from a broken family of divorce, but by the time I was in my early 20's, my beloved mother died of cancer. Lung cancer to be exact. I lived through countless years of both of my parents smoking inside the house and car. It makes me sick, just thinking about it. I complained to them about this, as far back as I can remember speaking. But it never changed until one day, my mom just died from it. As Dale would say: "that's enough to piss off the easter bunny!"

Taurus is level headed, reliable, practical, focused and true-blue. But you mess with their family, and maybe they will act like a raging bull and ram you. Taurus values their worldly possessions and that includes their friends and family. But they also value alone time and can be quite comfortable home alone for long stretches of time. It's how they rejuvenate and regenerate themselves. Over the years I have watched how much Dale gets energy from socializing with others. I do not. I tolerate many social events in a row and do this, mostly for him. Maybe he doesn't even know this, surprise! But given another night out on the town and a great movie playing at home, I will pick the movie almost every time.

Taurus has the greatest endurance known to man-kind. And the greatest stubbornness. And yes, I am admitting this! Stubborn might be our middle name's. 

We can be overindulgent and have a difficult time adapting to change. When we are living in our lowest Taurus, we will sweep all the hard stuff under the rug until we have so much under there and it all comes flying out at once. We should have just dealt with it at the time it happened, but we viewed that it would upset the peace train so we just swept it out of sight, but not totally away. 

Taurus expects that they will do the best job possible and believes everyone else wants this too. I remember being shocked once when an employee told me that I wasn't showing her that I valued her good work performance by giving her little gifts of appreciation. And I remember thinking, don't we all just do our very best work always, just because we want to and can?

Taurus is the vibe that you are drawn to in a crisis. They will provide calm and steady support and be good with their hands. They will be encouraging, loving and trustworthy. You can count on them to keep a secret if need be. They are down to earth, rational and solid. They have enough patience for everyone. They will handle with care.

But if I were to give another Taurus a good piece of advice, it would be this: constantly keeping "the peace" is ultimately exhausting and not really your job description. Keeping the peace in your community, in your family and in our world is impossible and frustrating. Instead, only try to keep the peace within you. You do not have to devote all your endurance and energy in order to make other people feel happiness. It's enough to just devote time and intention to yourself, role modeling love and gratitude. And how do you find the peace within? Hang out in nature as much as possible!

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me
— Seymour Miller