Aries Season

"Ramming speed is officially here", an Aries will say, or think or do. 


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the sign that signifies the adventurer, the pioneer and the daredevil. It's funny that the first sign of our consciousness is about having enough courage to plod on, in spite of difficulties and obstacles. I guess in order for our species to survive, we need a large dollop of initiative and passion, right out of the gate. This is an Aries person in a nutshell.

An Aries personality type has come here to build courage, to have enough umph in their character to make things happen. It doesn't mean they are born with this, only that they have come here to learn how to do it. And in order to build courage and determination, they need to scare themselves sometimes. Bungy jumping anyone? Because after they live through the fear that this brings to the surface, they have more courage built up for whatever comes next.

Aries is a fire, cardinal sign. They burn fast and hot and they initiate change. They are the natural born leaders in their communities and the athletes. They are dynamic, competitive and capable. They walk head first into risk, wars and power struggles. Their independence and bravery are legendary. But they are also easily bored, do not suffer fools and their impatience is also legendary. They much prefer giving orders than following them.

They can come across as egotistical, selfish and zealot. But this is not because they want to make enemies or upset friendships. They just have such a natural gift of direct honesty that it sometimes gets in the way of diplomacy. 

Aries impulsiveness is bold and forges ahead. Their hopeful optimism is contagious and they have a spark of energy that follows them around wherever they go, however old they are. They are the springtime bud, just watered enough to begin to sprout up toward the sky. Because they are the first sign in the zodiac, they are the "infant" archetype. They are here to learn how to be here now, how to make it all work out and how to do this with nobility and grace. This grace part may take them many years to master well but the courage and boldness that they role model, help the rest of us to be decisive and quick.

The word I think of when I think of Aries is rapido! So go off Aires into the sunset with rapid ambition. Just remember that when you add rational thinking to your mix, you will have a fantastic combination for success.

I’ve always had confidence. It came because I have lots of initiative
— Eddie Murphy