June, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


Actions have been taken and many issues are happening all at once, dearest Aries. It must be challenging to manage everything coming your way. Your word of the month is prioritize and it’s important that you do this in order to feel sane. As the month progresses, everything will begin to slow down into a doable speed and you may want to hang out at home, doing projects that please you. Until then, ride the wave! 
Keywords: Calculate, Design, Engage

Slow and steady is how the first part of the month is going for you, dearest Taurus. It may seem that nothing out of the ordinary is happening, and you may feel a little bit bored with this. The best thing you can do for yourself is choose to be in the thick of nature, just because you love to. Walk along the riverbank, try your hand at bird watching or do whatever it takes to get yourself to the top of that beautiful mountain. When you engage with nature, you engage with life.  Keywords: Scenery, Healing, Open-air

If you aren’t careful, dearest Gemini, you could find yourself running around in circles. This is the time of year that you shine, but it’s also the time that you could be less than focused. It’s exciting to be in the peak of spring and there are a million projects to attend to. Do them with gusto like I know you can. Just remember that when you tackle challenges to completion, this is when you can really shine. 
Keywords: Inquire, Investigate, Align

Your mind may be racing a bit now, dearest Cancer. But that doesn’t mean that you have to do anything about this. Try to stay calm and reflect on what it all means. Later this month, you may feel like acting on your ideas but for now just focus on where you have been and what you have learned. It’s important to stay balanced around what you want for your life and what you want for others. You can be such a giver that sometimes you might want to practice a little bit of receiving too. 
Keywords: Visionary, Inspired, Passionate

You may be over-thinking a problem way too much, dearest Leo. Your mind is moving at the speed of sound and may be playing tricks on you. Don’t get me wrong. You have probably discovered some unique and exciting ideas that are not just outside the box but you’ve thrown that box out the window. Good for you! You can produce results and turn those brilliant ideas into concrete solutions. Just do so by getting quiet enough inside your brain to see the clear path ahead. 
Keywords: Dazzling, Vivid, Genius

There’s something going on in your community, dearest Virgo, where your expertise is greatly needed. Acquaintances are searching for an answer and you may be the one to provide this. What type of community do you want to live in and how might you go about completing this? What volunteer projects are the most meaningful to your heart? Answer these questions and you will see where you need to begin. 
Keywords: Propose, Enlist, Step-forward

You are forming many new ideas now, dearest Libra. You are curious about everything and because so, you have a strong desire to learn a lot about a lot. So I ask you, what’s the challenge in this? It lies in the fact that knowing facts is all well and good but you also need to make a stand in what you actually believe in. What do you 100% have faith in? What is so important to you that if it were to disappear tomorrow, you would feel devastated? This is the juicy part. Don’t just ask questions, speak answers. 
Keywords: Consider, Trust, Affirm

It may be feeling a bit intense right now, dearest Scorpio. Your thoughts could be getting in the way of your ultimate happiness. Thoughts are not the enemy; thoughts are the energy you give them. So make a pledge to yourself to stay active in your body, confident in your mind and reflective in your spirit. Breathe full and deep whenever you forget this. 
Keywords: Faithfulness, Acceptance, Truth

I know you to be an independent thinker, dearest Sagittarius, and one who values your freedom above all else. But it looks like you have reached a time that your friends and loved ones will require your attention. You are a loving friend and family member so this is not too much of a stretch for you. But please remember; you cannot be all things to all people. When you role model independence, you help others to see that they, too, can take care of themselves. This is a good thing. 
Keywords: Kindness, Consideration, Grace

You have worked very hard, dearest Capricorn, to get to where you are. You may have lost friends along the way. This month finds you able to engage with loved ones in a meaningful and valuable way and helps you feel lighter in your heart. You will still have to balance what you want for yourself with what others want from you. But you seem to be able to work this out just fine.  Keywords: Commitment, Empathy, Devotion

You’ve been dealing with too many issues to count lately, dearest Aquarius. And now it’s time to discover, what makes your heart sing and dance? You are overdue to have some fun and do the activities that make you feel alive and well. If your job requires you to work long hours, then figure out how you can make the time zip by. Laugh more, exercise regularly and get together with people that you enjoy. There’s always time to do what brings you peace. 
Keywords: Revel, Savor, Intend    

You may be feeling like you want to hole up in your house to regroup, dearest Pisces. And there is nothing wrong with this. But I want to suggest that if you are doing this, that you invite friends for dinner. Or you go out on occasion to the theater, to a park or to a play. This is a time that you need to rejuvenate. And one of the ways that you can do this is to be in the company of folks that love you and that you love. 
Keywords: Inner child, Bliss, Play