Hello Jupiter in Scorpio


Once a year, the planet Jupiter changes signs and projects its energy in another direction. Yesterday on October 10, 2017 Jupiter left behind the sign of Libra and entered the sign of Scorpio where it will now live until November 8, 2018.

Jupiter is the badass in the room in terms of its statue. It has the most massive energy and gravitational pull than any other planet besides our Sun. Jupiter brings expansion, hope, optimism, luck and faith to the mix when it's having a good day. It's Santa Claus and it's coming to town. It asks you, "what do you want?"and "how have you been underestimating yourself?" It makes everything bigger wherever it touches down. But what might it be that's expanding and getting bigger? The answer lies in the sign it's just entered, Scorpio.

When it partners with Scorpio, it demands that you look at the radical truth in any situation. Scorpio deals with deep and penetrating energies. Scorpion's may sting you or they may leave you alone. Scorpio's may require that you answer their questions with frankness and vulnerability or they may shun or ignore you. Scorpio is the detective, the psychologist and transformational energy. 

Scorpio is the shaman in the zodiac. Shaman's feel and filter the light and dark energies of rage, sexuality and fear as well as love and all other parts of the human psyche. 

We are seeing this dark sexuality of Scorpio play out right now in the news of Harvey Weinstein. This week allegations of rape and sexual assault and misconduct have come bubbling to the surface with his name on them. He was fired from his company, The Weinstein Company and his wife has announced that she is divorcing him over these allegations. Many people in the entertainment industry are appalled and shunning him right and left. 

This is a classic Jupiter in Scorpio news feed.


What has been deep in the unconscious where it's been percolating, but invisible, now rises to the surface to be made visible. This is Scorpio at its heart and soul. It comes from the depths in order to be processed and released.
The Harvey Weinstein news has become humongous and is typical Jupiter, in its charismatic magnitude.

If you or someone you know has been keeping deep and dark secrets, believing that it's for the best to hide them, get ready. Because the truth may be exposed in all its messiness and glory, this year.

The Harvey Weinstein incident is bringing us all together and we are now demanding that women (and men) are no longer objectified and treated poorly. It is helping our communities to stand up for victims of sexual misconduct and harassment and we are now praising others who speak out with courage through difficult and potentially embarrassing circumstances. All I can think of to say about this, is FINALLY.

Wherever the sign of Scorpio falls in your natal birth chart, will give you another clue about what needs to get real in your life. Is it landing on the 7th house of marriage and partnership? The 10th house of career? Or perhaps the 4th house of the home and family? Time to evaluate what is true for you in whatever position it may lie.

To utilize this time of Jupiter in Scorpio, get honest with yourself. What is it that you really want in your life and what steps do you need to take in order to get there? Release the thoughts that you have to do what pleases others and acknowledge what you are passionate about no matter what it might cost you emotionally.

Be very clear about looking at the truth for what it is and move forward from that place. If you continue to tell yourself that "I will do what I want after I have enough money saved", or "when I get a better job" or "when the timing is right" or "when the kids leave the nest," you are not looking at your life honestly. 

Use Jupiter in Scorpio with passionate purpose and stop ignoring that inner voice that is telling you to "act now!" and do that, ACT NOW. Just make sure that what you are acting on is your truth and not someone else's.

Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.
— William Blake