December, 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Each month my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

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This month, finds you dearest Aries, with so many ideas swirling around in your mind that it must be challenging to keep them all organized.  You have the ability to turn an innocent idea into a full-blown belief system that could work in your favor for the rest of your life. I ask you to utilize your organizational skills to write down your thoughts to see if they will meet the test of time to become the connection that you need for your future. 
Keywords: Structure, Faith, Open Arms


Your friends and family, dearest Taurus, are coming to you needing advice. And what they really need is the honest to god truth. No sweeping those hard conversations under the rug and no procrastinating when it comes to speaking your mind. You can be diplomatic about it but it’s vitally important to get it all out on the table. Otherwise you will leave yourself open to resentment. 
Keywords: Intensity, Passion, Assertiveness


You’ve been a busy beaver, dearest Gemini, and the networking you are capable of doing this month is phenomenal. Realize though, that you are wearing your emotions on your sleeve for all to see. It’s important to heed some advice from others and allow them to help you along the way. You will accomplish much more this month if you work together with others to create a community project. Devote some time to a marriage or partnership for lasting results. Keywords: Compromise, Collaborate, Co-exist


This month, dearest Cancer, you’re faced with duty and responsibility. Maybe it’s with a family member or maybe it’s your job. In any case, you are being asked to be responsible to your word, whatever shape that takes. You may find yourself daydreaming while you work which would be highly productive to your heart and soul. Use your activities of daily living to your benefit by staying present. You may find that after you complete these projects, you have miraculously invented the next great thing to sink your teeth into. 
Keywords: Mentor, Visionary, Truth-seeker


You have been patient and waited a while to get to where you are this month, dearest Leo. So par-tay! But seriously, in order to find your mojo it’s important that you continue to be creative in everything you do. Writing a grocery list? Do it while you dance to music. Walk the dog while listening to your favorite podcast. Enjoy this time by engaging in things that make you smile. This is the key to enlightenment for you now. Shine on, shine bright. 
Keywords: Dance, Sing, Create


You are being asked, dearest Virgo, to have faith. Have faith in your family, in your community and in you shining bright in the public eye. You may be looking at new ideas to utilize in the workplace and here’s a tip; present those ideas with joy and creativity and they will have a better shot at manifesting into reality. Dig deep within your soul and get some clarity around the dynamics of your family life. It’s time to take a look at what’s working there and what is not. 
Keywords: Home-life, Optimism, Beliefs


At the first of this month, dearest Libra, you may find yourself with way too much to do. You could be juggling a million balls in the air all at once and a few are bound to fall at this rate. It’s important to quit early or let go of some responsibilities whenever possible. This will allow your body and mind to regroup and rejuvenate enough to press onward and upward. You don’t want to find yourself emotionally burnt out before your time. So chose yourself and your health over accommodating everyone else. 
Keywords: Focus, Align, Balance


Here we see you feeling all-optimistic and hopeful, dearest Scorpio. Not your typical self. You are so much deeper than this. But in the distance, coming down the tracks may be emotional turmoil. Nothing you can’t handle, as you are the person with the most understanding on how to transform anything, including chaos. But here’s a hint; allow other people to help you right now. You will get a huge benefit from collaborating with friends and family even though you may have the loner personality type. This month, loved ones can help you not just survive, but thrive. 
Keywords: Participate, Cooperate, Lend a hand


Welcome to your expansive world, dearest Sagittarius. It feels like this month is an episode of “This is your Life!” TV show. In order to show up in your life, appear a little bit selfish. Ask for what pleases you. Believe that you have a right to be happy, successful and fulfilled. Be assertive and strive for the whole enchilada, so to speak. Just remember that there are other people with completely different ideas on how it should be. Pay attention to this, you might learn something that you never expected. 
Keywords: Rise-up, Be-noticed, Listen


You are being asked to role model responsibility, be it to your word, to a project or to yourself. This is the time, dearest Capricorn, for you to get quiet and reflective. See what you can learn by not speaking out and just listening. Practice awareness and intuition and try to understand at a cellular level what your goals and aspirations can and should be. 
Keywords: Values, Intention, Receive


Dearest Aquarius, are you aware of your mission in life? I don’t necessarily mean your job or career, although it could be, but more about what activity or idea would get you jumping out of bed to pursue? Perhaps traveling overseas or making homemade ice cream? Inventing something or mastering some technology? Whatever it is, it may be on the forefront of your life right now so stay aware and focused and enjoy learning this about yourself. 
Keywords: Lucky-break, Opinionated, Public-eye


“Luck is better than skill any day” is the saying and this month, dearest Pisces, you could be in for a bit of success. How you chose to deal with this is another matter. Will you get overly emotional or moody? Or will you appreciate all that you have been given? The tides could go either way this month so it’s key to understand that it’s not what happens to you but what you do about what happens. 
Keywords: Alert, Focus, Mindful