Saturn in Capricorn, Coming Soon and In Tune

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Saturn is about to transition into the sign of Capricorn and will shortly leave Sagittarius in the dust.

Hopefully all of you Sagittarius's out there don't feel like you've been dealing with a severe dust storm, but my guess is that some of you do.

Saturn is not an especially easy energy and it's not supposed to be. Everyone of you Sagittarius sun sign people have had Saturn cross overhead in the past couple of years. It's not been smooth sailing by a long shot, has it?

As Saturn enters Capricorn, it has an entirely different message than when it was in Sagittarius. The famous and wise astrologer, Steven Forrest, has a lot to say about this phenomena, coming to us in mid December. Check it out here.

Saturn is going to enter Capricorn around December 19-20. And when it does, there will be some themes that are unavoidable. 

First of all, Saturn represents the hard challenges of life. This does not need to be a negative thing, but like anything else, it can be.

Ever thought about writing that book that is inside your head? Starting an exercise program, once and for all? Start it during a strong Saturn energy, and when it's in Capricorn, it's at it's most robust. Why? Because Saturn rules Capricorn. Meaning that they know how to communicate extremely well, that they play well together. That is, if they were inclined to play, which they are not. Ha!

Saturn and Capricorn together have an agenda. They both want to get stuff done, and get it done well. This is the energy of rational thought. A reality sandwich, so to speak. What's the practical approach to any problem? Ask them because they know.

Wherever this Saturn lands in your natal chart will give you a hint at what you have recently outgrown.

Where is Capricorn located in your chart? This is the key to understanding what Saturn is trying to school you on for the next 2 and a half years.

Saturn in Capricorn will help you get ready to gain some insight and maturity and there will be things that will fall by the wayside when you are ready to metamorphose into a wiser adult and elder.  If you don't take the initiative and help this along, I promise you that Saturn may instigate it for you. Look at your marriage and relationships, your career, home life and money issues. What is no longer serving your higher agenda?

What have you been wanting to do that you have not got around to? Learning a new skill? Forgiving a loved one? Writing that book? You are being challenged to improve on your current skill set or perhaps you are being asked to provide yourself an even better opportunity to perfect something meaningful in your life.

Saturn in Capricorn can provide you with self-discipline and self-determination to persevere onward. If you try and ignore it by sitting on the couch, unaware, eating bon-bons and watching mass hours of Netflix, it could force you into a depression state; because Saturn in Capricorn wants you to get up and get going.

It can encourage you to be your best self, to seriously drain the swamp and replace that with fresh water. Not just talk about it or brag about it. It has the energy to get you on your feet to make it happen, along with many other make it happen moments. Will you heed its call?

It's time to take responsibility for how you are going to mature. It's time to live in the present moment of reality. Do not let outside influences dictate what and who you are.

It's the Saturn in Capricorn time to be responsible to yourself first, working hard toward goals that you value and appreciate. Not living someone else's vision of you.

It's time to make that hard decision that you have been putting off until "later", when it's a better "time." Saturn in Capricorn is that "later" and that better "time".

Rise above any procrastination and use this time to cop to your challenges intentionally. Otherwise Saturn may take over that decision for you without your conscious permission. 

Saturn in Capricorn is asking you to give a great effort for the good of your soul. And what is this great effort? It's whatever gets you jumping out of bed in the morning, with passionate purpose.

Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one
~Bruce Lee