April, 2018 Monthly Horoscope


Every two months, a portion of my horoscope below is featured in the Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine:

This month, dearest Aries, you have the opportunity to speak out about the truth as you see it. Do this with determination and flair but try to keep your anger under control. In fact, turn that anger into passion! You can speak about what moves you or how you have been hurt from past issues. Just realize that in order for others to digest this, it needs to be presented in a way that role models as much diplomacy as humanely possible. Then they can hear you. 
Keywords: Goodwill, Discretion, Savior-faire

Take a few steps back this month, dearest Taurus, and regroup. When you do this, you may find that a surprising thing may present itself. Giving yourself a mental vacation has the capacity for you to feel what the next great thing is, without worrying about uncertainty. Allow your intuition to talk to you. When you get quiet enough to hear it, you may be surprised what it is saying. 
Keywords: Premonition, Hunch, Gut-reaction

Pay attention, dearest Gemini, to what presents itself to you. What goals have you been able to complete and what is still left on the table? It’s important to meditate on this question and after you are clear about the answer, make a plan to follow through. When you allow yourself to breathe into the moment, you may be shocked and delighted to see your journey ahead. 
Keywords: Intent, Design, Ambition

You have come to the end of the line, dearest Cancer. What I mean by this is that the harvest is here. What you planted months ago is finally showing fruition. If your life is not pleasing to you, then it is time to formulate another plan for your future that fits better with your needs. Only you can determine if you need to do this or not. But it’s worth asking yourself the question, nonetheless.
Keywords: Values, Enterprise, Dreams

This month, dearest Leo, you are feeling rather ambitious. You are out in the public eye and it’s time to shine! Speak out about your career plans or the mission in life that gets you up an’ at ‘em. You never really know how much you are inspiring others to speak out and do their mission, while they watch you do yours. So say it out loud with gusto and enthusiasm and practice feeling grateful for the opportunities you have. 
Keywords: Animated, Influence, Spark

What is it, dearest Virgo, that lives deep inside your heart? You have a chance right now to take all the research and planning and curiosity that you have become famous for, and turn it into an opinion. Take all those facts and figures and make a conscious choice to form a theory. Then take that theory and test it out to see if it holds up in the light of day. 
Keywords: Viewpoint, Impression, Point of view

You are being asked, dearest Libra, to devote your time and energy to the concept of deep-seated feelings trying to rise to the surface. You could be coming across as intense right now and guess what? You are supposed to be. It might cause you a bit of fear or anxiety to allow these feelings to percolate to the surface. But once you clear them out, once and for all, you allow yourself the opportunity to bring in future brightness.
Keywords: Penetrate, Permeate, Open-up

Expect the unexpected in one of your personal relationships this month, dearest Scorpio. In order to pave the way for positive experiences coming your way, you need to clean house first, perhaps literally. Now is the time to get your life in order and do the work that’s required to make room for new enterprises. Speak your mind and mean what you say. This way you attract the people that will value you just as you are. 
Keywords: Network, Endeavor, Communicate

You get a pass, so to speak, dearest Sagittarius, to have fun. Or more specifically, to create a scenario in your life that provides you creativity, joy and vitality. What does this look like to you? Creating a beautiful piece of jewelry, taking a favorite dance class or reuniting with your sewing machine. Enjoy this time to appreciate living! 
Keywords: Meditate, Inventive, Gifted

Using courage to complete a task to its fullest is in order this month, dearest Capricorn. Don’t let a lack of confidence get the better of you. There could be many opportunities coming your way and it’s important that you prioritize which direction to move first. Surprises at home may be in the works so plan on the unexpected, however this looks to you.
Keywords: Spotlight, Devotion, Family  

It’s time for you to tune into what feels right, dearest Aquarius. Come out of your mind long enough to get acquainted with your spirit.  It’s important that you give your intellect a break and try to just breathe and be. How are you feeling with a particular challenging issue? Find a way to live in the moment now. 
Keywords: Dedicate, Sacred, Spunk

Your confidence is front and center, dearest Pisces. Specifically, what steps can you take in order to forgive yourself for your humanness? We all make mistakes and it’s important for you to realize this, as this will give you added self-confidence and reassurance. Get clear about your desires, then move forward to achieve them no matter what it takes to do so. Be your own best advocate this month.
Keywords: Certainty, Promote, Ambition